Bauminger Krzyk, Joseph

Birth Name Bauminger Krzyk, Joseph
Gender male
Age at Death 19 years, 11 months, 27 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth May 17, 1928 Przemyśl, województwo Podkarpackie, Polska  

Camp     Joseph Bauminger was interned in a concentration camp

Aliyah 1945   Joseph Bauminger reached Palestine by illegal immigration Bederech Haapalah

Boat 1945    

Camp   מחנה המעצר בעתלית Atlit Detention Camp ,עתלית Atlit, חוף הכרמל, חיפה, ישראל Joseph Bauminger was detained by the British

Military Action October 10, 1945 מחנה המעצר בעתלית Atlit Detention Camp ,עתלית Atlit, חוף הכרמל, חיפה, ישראל Palmach פלמ"ח raided Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית and freed 208 Maapilim

Place Note

On October 10, 1945, Nahum Sarig and Yitzhak Rabin led the 1st Company of the Palmach פלמ"ח in a military operation, breaking into the Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית, and freeing the 208 detainees.
Sara Yoheved Rigler cites: "At 1 AM on the night of October 9, 1945, two platoons of the Palmach (the elite strike force of the Hagana), led by Nachum Sarig, cut the barbed wire fences on the north end of the camp. Some Palmach fighters stealthily climbed the watch towers and knocked out, tied, and gagged the guards. Others woke up the sleeping prisoners, whose belongings were already packed."
Zehava Yariv cites 210-220 Maapilim at Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית, who, according to rumor, were not going to be given certificates, and would be sent somewhere outside Palestine.
Yitzhak Rabin planned the raid, Nachum Sarig commanded the operation, and Yoske Yariv was among the leaders of the operation.
The main group of Palmach פלמ"ח went from Yagur קיבוץ יגור to Beit Oren קיבוץ בית אורן, then down the Carmel to Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית, where several men had already prepared the Maapilim, and would overpower the guards on watch.
Yitzhak Rabin and Nachum Sarig went with the Maapilim to Yagur קיבוץ יגור, while Yoske Yariv and the rest of the platoon stayed to clean up.
This signaled the beginning of the armed struggle of the Palmach פלמ"ח against the British, which contined until the summer of 1947.
In response, the British began deportion of Maapilim to internment camps in Cyprus Κύπρος, that operated from 1946 through the establishment of the State of Israel ישראל, in 1948.

Event Note

On October 10, 1945, Joseph Bauminger was one of the 208 detainees freed from he Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית by the Palmach פלמ"ח.

Event Note

Avraham 'Bren' Adan cites: “With all the tension and excitement that was in the air, I recall so distinctly the coolness with which Yoske gave his orders. As it turns out, whenever I recall the “Atlit Operation”, I recall that it was Yoske, the first Palmachnik who shot at a soldier of the British Army, and who coolly led his squad from spearhead position in attack, to cleanup position at the conclusion of the mission.”

Military Service 1948   Joseph Bauminger enlisted

Military Action   הקרב על גוש עציון Battle For Gush Etzion, מלחמת העצמאות, Battle For Gush Etzion

Place Note

On May 12, 1948, local Arabs and troops of the Arab Legion الجيش العربي attacked Gush Etzion גוש עציון.
They fought for three days, and 30 defenders were killed.
On Friday, May 14, 1948, the remaining defenders could no longer hold out, and they surrendered.
The Arab attackers murdered 127 men and women, whose bodies lay in the fields for a year-and-a-half, until Transjordan إمارة شرق الأردن allowed Israel to retrieve the corpses and bury them at Mount Herzl הר הרצל‎.
The surviving defenders were transported to a aken prison in Transjordan إمارة شرق الأردن.
During five and a half months of fighting, the four Gush Eztion גוש עציון kibbutzim were destroyed, and two hundred and forty settlers, Haganah הגנה and Palmach פלמ"ח fighters were killed.

Event Note

Joseph Bauminger fought at Gush Etzion גוש עציון, where he fell fighting the army of TransJordan إمارة شرق الأردن.

Event Note

Tamara Deuel fought at Gush Etzion גוש עציון, where she was captured by the army of TransJordan إمارة شرق الأردن.
She was released a month later.

Event Note

Benzion Tomer was assigned to the Gush Etzion גוש עציון settlements on the eve of Israel's War of Independence.

Death May 13, 1948 הקרב על גוש עציון Battle For Gush Etzion, מלחמת העצמאות,  

Burial May, 1948 הר הרצל Har Herzl הר הזכרון Mount HaZikaron, ירושלים,הרי יהודה, ישראל  



    1. Bauminger Krzyk, Joseph