Bursztyn Bourstein Sawicki, Mosze Moshe Szymon Shimon ben Yoel

Birth Name Bursztyn Bourstein Sawicki, Mosze Moshe Szymon Shimon ben Yoel
Birth Name Sawicki, Mosze Szymon
Call Name Moshe Shimon
Call Name Mosze Szymon
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth November 25, 1916 Radziłów, powiat Grajewski, województwo Podlaskie, Polska  

Event Note

Mosze Szymon Sawicki was the son of a butcher, like many other members of the Sawicki family in both Radzilow and Szczuczyn.

Military Service   Polskie Siły Zbrojne w ZSRR Armia Andersa Anders' Army  

Event Note

When Anders Army reached Palestine, Mosze Szymon Sawicki deserted the regiment.

Marriage     Moshe Shimon Bursztyn married Sosia Shoshana Kowalski



Father Sawicki, Yoel ben Moshe (Moszko) Shimon (Szymon)
Mother Bursztyn, Estera Rywka


Married Wife Kowalski, Sosia Shoshana bat Nachum (Nochym) Zeev (Wolf)


  1. Sawicki, Yoel ben Moshe (Moszko) Shimon (Szymon)
    1. Bursztyn, Estera Rywka
      1. Bursztyn Bourstein Sawicki, Mosze Moshe Szymon Shimon ben Yoel
        1. [['
        2. ', ['', u'Kowalski, Sosia Shoshana bat Nachum (Nochym) Zeev (Wolf)', ''], '
        3. ']]
