לנר לינר Weiner Lehner Lener Lanner, Dan Ernest

Birth Name לנר לינר Weiner Lehner Lener Lanner, Dan Ernest [1a] [2]
Birth Name Weiner, Ernest
Also Known As לנר לינר, דן
Call Name Dan
Call Name Ernest
Call Name דן
Gender male
Age at Death 65 years, 7 months, 3 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth May 29, 1922 Wien Vienna, Österreich  

Membership   Blau-Wiess (Blue-White) youth movement  

Boat 1941 Кладово-Шабац Kladovo-Šabac Transport  

Event Note

Dan Lener served as an escort with the last group of Aliyat haNoar.

Event Note

Turda Tirza Blumenthal sailed with the first group of Aliyat haNoar, and met her future husband, Dan Lener.

Residence     Dan Lener and Turda Tirza Blumenthal came to Kibbutz Kinnerth, moved to Kibbutz Gaaton, and then to Kibbutz Neot-Mordechai

Membership   קיבוץ נאות מרדכי kibbutz Neot Mordechai, הגליל העליון, הצפון, ישראל  

Military Service 1942 פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה  

Event Note

Nahum Sarig, Dan Lener and Ithiel Amichai served as Commanders of the 1st Battalion of the Palmach פלמ"ח.
Nahum Sarig commanded the Negev for 2 months, prior to approval by high command, before establishment of the Negev Brigade חטיבת הנגב‎.
Nahum Sarig, appointed by Yigal Alon andd Gailili, was authorized establishment of brigade command, and assume command, as he was already commanding officer, but David Ben-Gurion campaigned to severe the Palmach פלמ"ח national command ties to its Negev units, and to replace Nahum Sarig, who was associated with MAPAM מפ"ם‎, and kibbutz Beit-haShita קיבוץ בית השיטה, one of the Tebenkin kibbutzim that rejected Ben-Gurion, with his own choice.

Event Note

Dan Lener enlisted in the Palmach, and served first in the German Company, and then in the Parachutists.
He parachuted into Yugoslavia and was with Josef Broz Tito Јосип Броз Тито 's Partisans.

Event Note

Dan Lener cites: "...באפריל 1944 המראתי מבארי והייתי הצנחן היחיד על המטוס. לפני צאתי עשיתי הכרה עם האזור אליו אצנח ע"י לימוד מדויק של המפה. הוטל עלי ליצור קשר עם המחתרת האוסטרית, לבצע פעילות מודיעינית עבור הבריטים, ולחפש אחר יהודים שנותרו בחיים בצפון איטליה ואוסטריה. עדין לא ידענו שכל יהודי האזור הושמדו. הטייס פחד להנמיך, והוריד אותי בגובה 11 אלף רגל, והצניחה ארכה מאוד. פרטיזנים מחיל טיטו אמורים היו לקבל אותי - הבאתי להם ציוד רב, אך לא נראה איש. כל הלילה חיכיתי. לפנות בוקר התחלתי לנוע. התקרבתי לבית ושמעתי קול: סטוי ! השתטחתי וחיכיתי...כשהעיר היום התקרבתי עם הטומיגן שלי אל הזקיף, בידו היה רק רובה, ואמרתי לו מי אני. הכוכב האדום שנעוץ היה בכובעו אישר לי, שהגעתי אל הפרטיזנים..."

Event Note

Benny Morris cites: "On 19 April Palmah HQ ordered First Battalion OC Dan Lanner 'to destroy enemy bases in al Mazar,Nurisans Zir'in (in the Jezreeel Valley)..."
Dr. Uri Milstein cites: "Alon recommended continued attacks against Arab villages - so that the enemy will not be able to organize itself for a large scale attack; preventpassage of convoys secured by soldiers of the Arab-Jordanian Legion, because theyare endangering the settlements of the valley and Hula in particular; to occupy anddestroy the villages Zarin, Mokbila, Mazar and Nusi, on Mt. Gilboa and its foothills,and to take permanent control of Zarin and Mazar; to harass the town of Beit Shean – so that its inhabitants will have an incentive to flee; to occupy the villages Smaryaand Frauna to its south, to take control of ridges over Kaukav El Hava."
"Alon proposed that these actions be undertaken by the first battalioncommanded by Dan Lanner, whose bases were in the Jezreel Valley and the westernGalilee."

Military Action October 31, 1945   Operation Party מבצע מסיבה, or the Night of the Trains ליל הרכבות, was the first military action of the Jewish Resistance Movement תנועת המרי העברי

Event Note

The Jewish Resistance Movement תנועת המרי העברי, or United Resistance Movement (URM), was an umbrella group for Jewish Resistance movements in the British Mandate of Palestine, led by Moshe Sneh and Israel Galili. and operated between 1945 and 1946.

Event Note

On the Night of the Trains ליל הרכבות, or Operation Party מבצע מסיבה, approximately fifty Palmach units, including sappers and guards, sabotaged and damaged 153 points along the railroad lines in Palestine, primarily at railroad junctions and bridges.
The operations took place around 23:00PM, and were synchronized, to prevent a British response.
Shootings occured in only 2 places, but there were no casualties.

Event Note

On the night of October 31, 1945, during the Night of the Trains ליל הרכבות, or Operation Party מבצע מסיבה, Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai led the squad that sabotaged the railroad track section between Zichron Yaacov זכרון יעקב and Binyamina בנימינה.

Event Note

On the night the railway lines were sabotaged, Yoske Romanovsly Rom sabotaged the lines between Pardes Hanna and Hadera.
He also participated in the attack on the Sidna Ali Police Station

Event Note

Dan Lener served as an operations Commander during the Night of the Trains ליל הרכבות.

Boat February 22, 1946   Operation מבצע פולים Night of the Police Stations ליל המשטרות

Event Note

On the night of February 22, 1946, four forces of the Haganah הגנה attacked four police stations which were manned by the British mobile police squads PMF.
The operation target the facilities, vehicles, and the reputation of the British police.

Event Note

On February 22, 1946, at Shfaram שפרעם, the 1st Battalion גדוד ראשון of the Palmach פלמ"ח, commanded by Oded Messer destroyed police station building, and wounded five.

Event Note

On February 22, 1946, at Kfar Vitkin כפר ויתקין, the 4th Battalion גדוד הרביעי of the Palmach פלמ"ח, commanded by Moshe Ben-Dror destroyed the fuel storage depot, four military trucks and several armored cars.

Event Note

On February 22, 1946, at Jenin ג'נין, the 3rd Battalion גדוד השלישי of the Palmach פלמ"ח, commanded by Chaim Avinoam was discovered, and was forced to retreat.

Event Note

On February 22, 1946, at Sharona שרונה, the 2nd Battalion גדוד השני of the Palmach פלמ"ח, and Chaish חי"ש חיל השדה, commanded by Danny Mat, was blew up the British arms depot, but four fighters were lost.

Military Action June 16, 1946 ליל הגשרים Night of the Bridges מבצע מרכולת Operation Markolet, מלחמת העצמאות (1948) Operation Markolet מבצע מרכולת, Night of the Bridges ליל הגשרים

Event Note

Yisrael Zack cites: "Our group was allowed to take part in the “Night of the Bridges” and we blew up the Sheikh Hussein Bridge over the Jordan, east of Maoz Chaim."

Event Note

On the Night of th Bridges ליל הגשרים, Amnon Yonah served as Commander of the Palmach פלמ"ח squad that blew up the railway bridge over the Yarmuk River נהר הירמוך.

Event Note

Chaya Kozlovsky served as radio operator at Ramot Naftali רמות נפתלי

Event Note

Dan Lener served as an operations Commander during the Night of the Bridges ליל הגשרים.

Military Service   צה"ל צבא הגנה לישראל TzaHaL IDF Israel Defense Forces  

Event Note

Dan Lener served as Battalion Commander מפקד גדוד in the Yiftach Brigade חטיבת יפתח.

Event Note

In 1950, Dan Lener was promoted to Colonel אלוף משנה, and appointed Commander מפקד of the Golani Brigade חטיבת גולני.

Military Action March 16, 1973 מלחמת יום הכיפורים حرب تشري Yom Kippur War Dan Lener served as Commander of Reserve Division אוגדת מילואים 210 on Ramat haGolan רמת הגולן

Event Note

The reserve division led by Major General Dan Lener advanced in the central sector of Ramat haGolan רמת הגולן‎, where Syrian pressure along the Tapline pipeline route, rushed south-east to pushed the Syrian forces from Khusnyia.

Death 1988    



Father Weiner, Rudolph


Source References

  1. Blind jump: the story of Shaike Dan
    1. Page: 57
  2. Generation Exodus: The Fate of Young Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany
  3. The birth of the Palestinian refugee problem revisited
    1. Page: 349


  1. Weiner, Rudolph
    1. לנר לינר Weiner Lehner Lener Lanner, Dan Ernest
