Welbel Velbel, Ester 'Etel' 'Etka' bat Avraham

Birth Name Welbel Velbel, Ester 'Etel' 'Etka' bat Avraham
Birth Name Eisenshmidt Aizenszmidt Ajzenszmidt, Ester bat Avraham Welbel
Call Name 'Etel'
Call Name Ester
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1897 Лунно Lunna, Мастоўскі раён, Гродзенская вобласць, Беларусь  

Marriage     Yehoshua 'Ovsey' Eisenshmidt married Ester 'Etel' Welbel

Death January, 1942 Auschwitz Konzentrationslager, Oświęcim, powiat Oświęcimski, województwo Małopolskie, Polska Yehoshua 'Ovsey' Eisenshmidt, his wife, Ester, and son, Yaakov, were murdered immediately on arrival

Event Note

Eliezer Eizenshmidt cites: "Our parents were murdered on the first of month Tevet, 1942 in the Auschwitz extermination camp. Your father, my parents and all our relatives were taken together. On that day they were all murdered in the gas chamber and their bodies were burn in the crematoria. Rachel and Motke [Miriam's sister and her husband] arrived a little later to Auschwitz. Rachel perished on the 17th of Adar, 1943. Motke stayed in the camp for quite a long time and died in the summer of 1944.
My father, my mother and Yaakov [Eliezer's youngest brother] were murdered immediately upon arrival to the Auschwitz camp. Abraham [Eliezer's second brother] stayed in the camp 6 weeks and he then died from blood-poisoning."
"The fate of Uncle Nochum-Moshe's family and of Uncle Yosef's family was the same. They perished together with all the Jews of Lunna. "



Father Welbel Velbel, Avraham ben Moshe Yechezkel haCohen
Mother Zatz, Yocheved 'Jacha' 'Yacha'
  1. Welbel Velbel, Yaakov ben Avraham
  2. Welbel Velbel, Yoseph 'Yosel' ben Avraham
  3. Welbel Velbel, Nachum Moshe Mowsza ben Avraham


Married Husband Eisenshmidt, Yehoshua 'Ovsey' ben Shalom
  1. Eisenshmidt, Eliezer 'Laizer' ben Yehoshua
  2. Eisenshmidt, Abraham ben Yehoshua
  3. Eisenshmidt, Yaakov ben Yehoshua



  1. Welbel Velbel, Avraham ben Moshe Yechezkel haCohen
    1. Zatz, Yocheved 'Jacha' 'Yacha'
      1. Welbel Velbel, Yaakov ben Avraham
      2. Welbel Velbel, Yoseph 'Yosel' ben Avraham
      3. Welbel Velbel, Nachum Moshe Mowsza ben Avraham
      4. Welbel Velbel, Ester 'Etel' 'Etka' bat Avraham
        1. [['
        2. ', ['', u"Eisenshmidt, Yehoshua 'Ovsey' ben Shalom", ''], ['
            ', ['
          1. ', ['', u"Eisenshmidt, Eliezer 'Laizer' ben Yehoshua", ''], '
          2. '], ['
          3. ', ['', u'Eisenshmidt, Abraham ben Yehoshua', ''], '
          4. '], ['
          5. ', ['', u'Eisenshmidt, Yaakov ben Yehoshua', ''], '
          6. '], '
          '], '
        3. ']]
