Galambos, Yuzzi

Birth Name Galambos, Yuzzi
Gender female
Age at Death 31 years


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1913 Graz, Steiermark, Österreich  

Residence   Castiglion Fiorentino, provincia di Arezzo. Toscana, Italia Yuzzi Galambos moved with her 4 children to Toscana

Event Note

Yuzzi Galambos lived with her three children in Castiglion Fiorentino, where they had rented a flat in an isolated farm-house, with no running water, and she worked as a translator and gave private lessons in German.
She hired a young girl, Ida Brunelli, as housekeeper and baby sitter, to live with the family and watch her three children.

Death January 1944 Castiglion Fiorentino, provincia di Arezzo. Toscana, Italia Yuzzi Galambos died of heart failure

Event Note

In 1943, when the Germans occupied Italy, Yuzzi Galambos became gravely ill with a heart condition.
She pleaded with Ida Brunelli, the baby sitter, to take care of the children, aged 9, 12 and 13, and revealed that they were Jewish, givingher the family documents.
Yuzzi Galambos died ar age32 years, and members of the Wehrmacht gave her a proper Christian burial.
After her death, Ida Brunelli took the three children to her mother, Maddalena, in Monselice.



Father Galambos, Marton
Mother Galambos, Luise Luisa
  1. Galambos, 'Pali' Shaul


Unmarried Partner Toth, Kalman
  1. ינאי Toth, Fiorenza Yehudit
  2. ינאי Toth, Lisetta Lizetta
  3. ינאי Toth, Alessandro 'Sandro'
  4. Toth, Romulo


  1. Galambos, Marton
    1. Galambos, Luise Luisa
      1. Galambos, 'Pali' Shaul
      2. Galambos, Yuzzi
        1. [['
        2. ', ['', u'Toth, Kalman', ''], ['
            ', ['
          1. ', ['', u'Toth, Romulo', ''], '
          2. '], ['
          3. ', ['', u"\u05d9\u05e0\u05d0\u05d9 Toth, Alessandro 'Sandro'", ''], '
          4. '], ['
          5. ', ['', u'\u05d9\u05e0\u05d0\u05d9 Toth, Fiorenza Yehudit', ''], '
          6. '], ['
          7. ', ['', u'\u05d9\u05e0\u05d0\u05d9 Toth, Lisetta Lizetta', ''], '
          8. '], '
          '], '
        3. ']]
