Israel, Wilfrid B.

Birth Name Israel, Wilfrid B.
Call Name Wilfrid
Gender male
Age at Death 43 years, 10 months, 21 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth July 11, 1899 London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom  

Occupation   Kaufhaus Nathan Israel Nathan Israel’s Department Store, Berlin, Deutschland  

Military Service 1939   Wilfrid Israel kept British intelligence informed of Nazi activities, through British agent, Frank Foley, passport officer at the Berlin consulate

Transport   Kindertransport Children’s Transport  

Event Note

Wilfred Israel played an important role in the transfer of thousands of Jewish children to Britain in the Kindertransport.

Event Note

Brenda Bailey, daughter of a British Quaker mother and a German Quaker father cites: "After Kristallnacht leadership was again shown by the Jewish businessman Wilfrid Israel who contacted the Council for German Jewry in London informing them that extraordinary measures must now be taken to save at least the children".

Event Note

On March 26, 1943, Wilfrid Israel flew to Lisboa, for two months investigating the situation of Jews on the Iberian peninsula.
He had found as many of 1,500 Jewish refugees living in Spain, many of whom he aided in finding passage to Palestine.
Before Israel left the Iberian peninsula, Wilfrid Israel proposed a plan to the British government to aid the Jewish refugees in Spain.

Death June 1, 1943   Wilfrid Israel was killed, when British Overseas Airways Corporation Flight 777 was shot down over the Bay of Biscay by eight Junkers Ju 88s



Father Israel, Berthold


Wilfrid Israel was, on his English mother’s side, a descendant of the first Chief Rabbi of Britain


  1. Israel, Berthold
    1. Israel, Wilfrid B.
