Lavine Levine, Frank
Birth Name | Lavine Levine, Frank [1a] |
Also Known As | Zaidner, Albert |
Call Name | Albert |
Gender | male |
Event | Date | Place | Description | Notes | Sources |
Birth | April 3, 1924 | Boston, Suffolk County, Massachussetts, United States of America |
Event Note Frank Lavine cites: "Both my parents come from the vicinity of Kovno, Lithuania. My father was a truck driver while my mother kept home and was later a seamstress. I have no formal Jewish education but spoke only Yiddish until I was six years old." |
Military Service | 1942 | United States Army, Department of Defence DoD | FrankLavine volunteered for the Army Air Force during WW II |
Event Note Frank Lavine was stationed at Chanute Field. |
Boat | February 25, 1947 | יציאת אירופה Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז USS President Warfield | President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז sailed from Baltimore |
Event Note
On February 25, 1947, President Warfield sailed from Baltimore, headed for the Mediterranean. Murray Aronoff served as Seaman/Deck Crew aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.
In December, 1946, Bernard Marks, age 24 years.reported to the Baltimore shipyards to join the crew of President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. Sam Baer served as a Crew Member and Engineer aboard President Warfild Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. John Stanley Grauel served as Galley Crew aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.
John Stanley Grauel's official cover was as a foreign correspondent for the Episcopal journal, The Churchman. Eli Kalmanowitz Kalm, a Bronx native, served as Chief Steward aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. David 'Kochavi' Starec left his rabbinical studies at Yeshiva University to become an Orthodox rabbi, to serve as engine room crew aboard Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז President Warfield.
Frank Lavine served as an able-bodied Seaman aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. Solomon 'Sol' M. Lester served as First/Second Engineering Officer aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.
On March 29, 1947, 'Bill' Millman, age 21 years, served as Deck Crew aboard President Warfild Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. Avraham Sygal, a volunteer from Mexico, served as Engine Room Crew aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. Mike Weiss served as boatswain-carpenter aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. On March 22, 1947, President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז stopped at Paulsboro, New Jersey, to take on fuel and change captain. Zeev Siegel served aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז, and received his naval training on board the ship.
Harry Weinsaft served as a Deck Crew aboard President Warfild Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. Cyril 'Cy' Weinstein, age 22 years, one of 40 young Jewish volunteers from the United States, served as Third Mate aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. On March 29, 1947, at 11:10AM, President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז sailed from Philadelphia. On April 5, 1947, President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז stopped at Ponta Delgada, Azores Açores. |
[2a] [3a] |
Boat | July 11, 1947 | יציאת אירופה Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז USS President Warfield | Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז sailed from Sète for Palestine |
Event Note
Kurt Baruch served as Engineer/Engine Room Crew aboard Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז when she sailed from Sète.
Azriel Einav served as Gidoni גדעוני, wireless radio operator, aboard Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז when she sailed from Sète.
Yossi Harel, who had come aboard at Portovenere, became the Haganah Commander מפקד aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. Solomon 'Sol' M. Lester served as First/Second Engineering Officer aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. Micha Peri served as as Commander of the Maapilim, responsible for their care, aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. On July 11, 1947, Judah Abbecasis sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Polya Abramovich sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Mordechai 'Motke' Adler and his two sisters sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Ajzyk Ajnnberg Weinberg sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Zipora Akerman sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Mordekai and Chajka Aurbach sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Chaja Vera Auslender sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז President Warfield,from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Josef Avigdor sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז President Warfield,from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Gertruda Babilinska sailed, with Michael Stolowicki, age 11 years, on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Aryeh Birnbaum sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Chaim Birnbaum sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Sara Birnbaum sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Yitzhak Birnbaum sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Mosze Cukier sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Cwi Zvi Eisenberg sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Dov Frieberg sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Mordechai Fuks, age 27 years, Moses Fuks, age 11 years, and Hadassa Fuks, age 13 years, sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Benno Ginsburg sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Zevulun Gold, Nehama Gold and Pesia Gold, sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Avraham Goldband, his wife, Mania, son, Mendel,and morther-in-law, Esther Tager, having made their way from Föhrenwald DP camp to Marseille, sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Lina Goldberger sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז President Warfield,from Sete for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Moshe Gutheit, age 9 years, sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine.
On July 11, 1947, Shlomo Hammer sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Mosze Jacubowiez sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז President Warfield,from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Rosa Jurer and her daughter, Cilia, sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. In July, 1947, Chanina Kam went to Marseille to embark on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז in an attempt to immigrate to Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Haim Kintzler sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז President Warfield,from Sete for Palestine.
On July 11, 1947, Korohy Koffler, age 16 years, sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Jacob Kirsztajn sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Monjek Kuperberg sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Irene Parkinson, age 16 years, tried sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז President Warfield, from Sète to join her mother, sister and brother in Palestine.
On July 11, 1947, Itzhak Pressburger, age 13 years, sailed with his two sisters on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז President Warfield, from Sete for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Moshe Rajchental sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Melach Schubert, his wife, Rosa, and his son Zeev, sailed from France on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז. On July 11, 1947, Istvan Szeisen, Otto Nagyrona and Tamas Magyrona sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Schlama Sznaider sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Szlojme Szobe sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, David Szustor sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine.
On the night of July 9-10, 1947 Sara Wiener boarded a covered trucks and traveled to Sète.
On July 11, 1947, Emmanuel Zaubermann Zoberman sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Friede Zelman sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Schlomo Zemach sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Max Zifferblat sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Josef Zinger sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine.
On July 11, 1947, Frances sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז President Warfield,from Sete for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Michael Pertzov and Pessia Baumstein Pertzov sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Eliezer Zuckerman Rimon sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. On July 11, 1947, Lida Zyto sailed on Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז from Sète for Palestine. After the unsuccessful fight to prevent the British from boarding Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז, in which Frank Lavine was injured by British soldiers who beat him over the head, he, and some of the crew, captured, held prisoner for four hours, and forcibly transferred to the prison ship, HMT Ocean Vigour. |
[4] [5] |
Boat | July 18, 1947 | HMT Ocean Vigour Ocean Voyager אושן ויגור | 1,464 Maapilim and crew members of Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז were transferred to HMT Ocean Vigour for transport to Port-de-Bouc |
Event Note
The Washington Times cites: "The night of July 18, 1947, the British Royal Navy rammed the boat and boarded it in international waters to keep it from entering Palestine. After a struggle with passengers and crew, three shipmates were killed, including one crew member." David 'Kochavi' Starec, age 18 years, stayed with the Maapilim on HMT Ocean Vigour.
Frank Lavine stayed with the Maapilim on HMT Ocean Vigour.
Meier Schwarz, who had been sent to Europe to usher refugees to the south of France to catch Haapalah boats to Israel, was smuggled aboard HMT Ocean Vigour, deporting the 4,500 Exodus 1947 Maapilm. Zeev Siegel was transported back to France on HMT Ocean Vigour, and was assigned by Yossi Harel the job of Escort מלווה, serving under Zvi Meeri Katznelson, head מלווה, to live with the Maapilim, and help maintain their morale and discipline. Moses Fuks, age 11 years, and Hadassa Fuks, age 14 years, were transported back to France on HMT Ocean Vigour. Zevulun Gold, Nehama Gold and Pesia Gold, were transported back to France on HMT Ocean Vigour.
Michael Pertzov and Pessia Baumstein Pertzov were transported back to France on HMT Ocean Vigour.
Disembarking Exodus 1947, Izhak Pressburger was put on the Transport Ship, HMT Ocean Vigour. |
Web Links
Type | Link/ Description | |
1 | Web Search | This is the Way it Was, from |
2 | Web Search | Frank Lavine |
Source References
- השערים פתוחים The Gates are Open, Collection of Memories of Clandestine Immigration 1945-1948
- The Jews' Secret Fleet: The Untold Story of North American Volunteers Who Smashed the British Blockade
- The Exodus affair: Holocaust survivors and the struggle for Palestine
- Commander of the Exodus
- Britain’s Naval and Political Reaction to the Illegal Immigration of Jews to Palestine, 1945-1948
- Lavine Levine, Frank