Bernstein, Jack

Birth Name Bernstein, Jack [1a]
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth   New York, New York, United States of America  

Military Service   מח"ל מתנדבי חוץ לארץ ‎Machal Volunteers from Abroad  

Boat October 15, 1946 חיים ארלוזורוב USS Ulua USCGC Unalga Chaim Arlosoroff יובל Yuval Ulua Chaim Arlosoroff חיים ארלוזורוב sailed from Baltimore

Event Note

Lester Abrahamson served as Seaman/Deckhand aboard SS Ulua Chaim Arlosoroff חיים ארלוזורוב.

Event Note

Jack Bernstein served as Messman in the Galley aboard SS Ulua Chaim Arlosoroff חיים ארלוזורוב.

Event Note

Duke Efros served Seaman aboard SS Ulua Chaim Arlosoroff חיים ארלוזורוב.

Event Note

Willie Rostoker joined the crew of SS Ulua Chaim Arlosoroff חיים ארלוזורוב in Baltimore. cites: "He proved to be a very good helmsman and even was complimented for his work by Gad Hilb."

Boat March 1, 1947 בן הכט SS Abril INS Maoz (K-24) Argosy USS Cytherea Citra SS Ben Hecht SS Abril, officially renamed SS Ben Hecht בן הכט, sailed from Port-de-Bouc for Palestine

Event Note

Gershom Hakim was relieved of his duties as Captain, when SS Abril Gen Hecht בן הכט reached Marseille, and since the First Mate had never shown up when SS Abril Ben Hecht בן הכט sailed from New York, Second Mate Hyman Robert Levitan was promoted to Captain.
David Kaplan cites: "our first mate, Robert Levitan was an excellent navigator with his entire sea time experience in the Pacific."

Event Note

Esther Miron sailed on SS Abril Ben Hecht from Port-de-Bouc for Palestine.
David Kaplan cites: he met Esther Miron at his hotel, and "When she walked in and saw Mr and Mrs Tayar (he was an MK from Tel Aviv at the time)
they all became hysterical. The Tayars had met on the Ben Hecht, were friends of Esther Miron who baked their wedding cake for them and hosted the party after they all reached Israel and lived near each other for several years, then moves some distance from each other and this was the first time that they had met in years!"

Event Note

Hilda and Hannah Kreiser sailed on SS Abril Ben Hecht from Port-de-Bouc for Palestine.
Hilda Kreiser Tayar cites: "In February 1947 they witnessed a transport of concentration camp survivors going to Palestine organized by Eri, the son of Jabotinsky. He suggested that they join as well, They returned home to arrange alltheir thingsm and two days later they sailed."

Event Note

Jack Bernstein served as Seaman aboard SS Abril Ben Hecht בן הכט.


Source References

  1. The Jews' Secret Fleet: The Untold Story of North American Volunteers Who Smashed the British Blockade
    1. Page: 175


    1. Bernstein, Jack