ברקאי Borsok Barkai, Abraham 'Bumi' ben Moshe

Birth Name ברקאי Borsok Barkai, Abraham 'Bumi' ben Moshe
Birth Name Borsok, Abraham ben Moshe
Also Known As ברקאי, אברהם (בומי) בן משה
Birth Name בומי
Call Name 'Bumi'
Call Name Abraham
Call Name אברהם
Call Name בומי
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth   Bucureşti Bucharest, Municipiul București, România  

Boat December, 1947 עצמאות Pan Crescent Atzmaut פאן קרסצנט Pan Crescent

Camp 1948 Καράολος Gazimagusa Karakol Karaolos Internment Camps 55-62, Mağusa bölgesi, Κύπρος Kıbrıs Moshe Borsok, his wife, Rachel, and sons Michael and Abraham, were interned by the British

Aliyah     Moshe Borsok, his wife, Rachel, and sons Michael and Abraham, arrived in Israel

Event Note

The Borsok family settled in Ramat Gan רמת גן.

Military Service   חיל הים הישראלי Israeli Navy, צה"ל  

Death January 27, 1968 אח"י דקר INS Dakar (צ-77 HMS Totem (P352 Avraham Barkai served as Deputy Commander



Father Borsok, Moshe
Mother , Rachel
  1. ברקאי Borsok Barkai, Michael ben Moshe


  1. Borsok, Moshe
    1. , Rachel
      1. ברקאי Borsok Barkai, Abraham 'Bumi' ben Moshe
      2. ברקאי Borsok Barkai, Michael ben Moshe
