Stessel, Meir

Birth Name Stessel, Meir
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources

Membership March, 1946 Bacoli, provincia di Napoli, Campania, Italia Kibbutz Mekor Baruch was established

Place Note

In March, 1946, with help from of Rabbi Baruch Epstein, kibbutz Mekor Baruch was established in Bacoli. as a hachsharah, and a step for Holocaust survivors to reach Palestine.
Kibbutz Mekor Baruch was estab-lished at a former United States Army Officers Club, and consisted of 90 members, who were affiliated with Torah veAvodah.

Event Note

Shlomo Teitelbaum served as the representative of Rabbi Baruch Epstein, and helped in hachsharah at kibbutz Mekor Baruch, in Bacoli.

Event Note

Meir Stessel was a member of kibbutz Mekor Baruch, in Bacoli.

Event Note

Meir 'Miki' Weiss, Ben-Zion Gasner, Eliezer Majerovic, Moshe Fruchter, Moshe Bergerm, Mordechai Feld, David Weiss, Zvi Rengel, and Yona Kalosh were members of kibbutz Mekor Baruch, in Bacoli.
USHMM cites: a "Group portrait of displaced persons in Kibbutz Mekor Baruch, a Poal Mizrachi fishing hachshara in Bacoli" included the abovementionned members.

Event Note

Miriam Gutman, Malka Gutman, Chaya (Evi) Weiss, Mali Deutsch, Haviva Gutman, Tzipora (Ibi) Weiss, Rozsi Gutman, Bertha Gutman, Rivke Gutman and Giza Sorkis were members of kibbutz Mekor Baruch, in Bacoli.
USHMM cites: a "Group portrait of young women from Kibbutz Mekor Baruch, a Poal Mizrachi fishing hachshara in Bacoli" included the abovementionned members.



    1. Stessel, Meir