Bacoli, provincia di Napoli, Campania, Italia

Latitude 40°48′0″N
Longitude 14°5′0″E
City Bacoli
County provincia di Napoli
State/ Province Campania
Country Italia



In March, 1946, with help from of Rabbi Baruch Epstein, kibbutz Mekor Baruch was established in Bacoli. as a hachsharah, and a step for Holocaust survivors to reach Palestine.
Kibbutz Mekor Baruch was estab-lished at a former United States Army Officers Club, and consisted of 90 members, who were affiliated with Torah veAvodah.


  1. Epstein, Baruch
  2. Stessel, Meir
  3. Weiss, Meir 'Miki'
  4. טל Teitelbaum Tal, Shlomo