Saltzmann, Manek

Birth Name Saltzmann, Manek
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth   Tyczyn, powiat Rzeszowski, województwo Podkarpackie, Polska  

Military Service      

Event Note

Manek Saltzmann escaped from Rzeszow Ghetto, and was rumor to have been killed in the forests with partisans fighting the Nazis.


Event Note

Manek Salzmann was on the list of Tyczyn Jewish Survivors, and a second document showed Manek Salzmann of Tyczyn, son of Herman, was alive in Poland, as of December 17, 1946.



Father Saltzmann, Hermann
Mother , Anna
  1. Salton Saltzmann, George Lucjan Lucius


  1. Saltzmann, Hermann
    1. , Anna
      1. Salton Saltzmann, George Lucjan Lucius
      2. Saltzmann, Manek
