Marks, Bernard 'Berny'

Birth Name Marks, Bernard 'Berny' [1a]
Call Name 'Berny'
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1924    

Graduation   United States Merchant Marine Academy USMMA Kings Point Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, Town of North Hempstead, Nassau County, New York, United States of America  

Military Service   United States Merchant Marines USMM  

Event Note

Bernard Marks served three years on the North Atlantic during World War II.

Education December, 1944 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America  

Event Note

Bernard Marks cites: "In December 1945, when I arrived home after WW II, I was determined to normalize my life and so I enrolled at the University of Cincinnati."

Military Service   מח"ל מתנדבי חוץ לארץ ‎Machal Volunteers from Abroad  

Event Note

Bernard Marks cites: "I met an electrical engineering student by the name of Hugo Schwartz. Hugo, a Zionist was connected to Aliya Bet in New York. When he was called up he informed them about my war experience, It was just four weeks after I had arrived home that I received a call from Arie Lashner (radio operator of the “Hagana”) inviting me to participate in the rescue of our people. The next day I
was on a train to New York."

Boat May, 1946 הגנה HMCS Norsyd, USS Balboa (K-20) SS Haganah Haganah הגנה sailed from New York to Marseille

Event Note

George 'Sammy' Applebaum served aboard SS Norsyd Haganah הגנה when she sailed from New York.

Event Note

David Baum served as Second Engineer, and Engineering officer aboard SS Haganah הגנה K18 and K28.
David Baum cites:when SS Haganah הגנה arrived at Marseille, "Our first contacts were Rudy (Shmaria Tzameret) and the Baharlia Brothers (ship chandlers), all very impressive people. The crew worked on regular maintenance while a shore gang installed the wooden shelves which served as bunks for the olim."

Event Note

Arye Friedman served aboard SS Norsyd Haganah הגנה when she sailed from New York.
Bernard Marks cites: "the Norsyd “Hagana” bound for Marseilles, France. It was here that our Scandinavian Captain debarked and we all moved up a notch. Arieh became captain, Larry Silverstein became first mate and I became second mate."

Place Note

Bernard Marks served as Second Mate aboard SS Haganah הגנה K18 and K28.
Bernard Marks cites: "I presented myself to Captain Arieh Friedman (an Israeli) on board SS Norsyd which was moored alongside the SS Beauharnois in Brewers Drydock on Staten Island. These sister ships were Canadian corvettes and the first ships from America to enter the Aliya Bet “trade”. In fact, this situation was so new that we actually picked up bunker oil in British Gibraltar. We departed Staten
Island in the afternoon on an early February 1946 day. The Beauharnois “Wedgwood” bound for Italy and the Norsyd “Hagana” bound for Marseilles, France."

Event Note

In 1946, Harry Silverman was asked by Yona Yanai of kibbutz Ein haShofet, Shaliach for haShomer haTzair in the United States, to sign up to serve on a Haapalah boat.
Harry Silverman sailed to France, aboard SS Haganah הגנה., and await passage to Palestine.
Harry Silverman remained aboard SS Haganah הגנה and served in the Galley.
Harry Silverman cites: "five men from my kibbutz (Gimel) and from Kibbutz Daled sailed on the "Haganah" for France, and I was one of them."

Source Note

I.F. Stone sailed aboard SS Haganah הגנה to France, where he joined displaced persons as they sought a clandestine port of embarcation, joined an illegal convoy, ran the British blockade, and landed illegally in Palestine.
I.F.Stone sent regular dispatches on the conflict between the British and Palestinian Jews, and Harry Silverman helped him with photographs of the ship and its passengers.
Underground to Palestine first appeared as a series of articles published in PM, which won the Newspaper Guild of New York, Page One award in 1947.
It was published in 1946, then reprinted in 1978 as Underground to Palestine - and Reflections Thirty Years Later
I.F. Stone cites: “They have been kicked around as Jews and now they want to live as Jews. Over and over I heard it said: ‘We want to build a Jewish country. ... We are tired of putting our sweat and blood into places where we are not welcome.' ... These Jews want the right to live as a people, to build as a people, to make their contribution to the world as a people. Are their national aspirations any less worthy of respect than those of any other oppressed people?”
I.F. Stone cites in Underground to Palestine: "We felt proud and exultant to arrive with the Jewish flag at our mast. The refugees looked for the first time upon the Holy Land with wondering and often tear-filled eyes. This was the sight for which they had longed with all their hearts, the sight for which they had risked their lives crossing one illegal border after another and on the high seas

Boat February 25, 1947 יציאת אירופה Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז USS President Warfield President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז sailed from Baltimore

Event Note

On February 25, 1947, President Warfield sailed from Baltimore, headed for the Mediterranean.
The cover story, if anyone asked, was that the ship was going to China, where it was to be sold.

Event Note

Murray Aronoff served as Seaman/Deck Crew aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.

Event Note

In December, 1946, Bernard Marks, age 24 years.reported to the Baltimore shipyards to join the crew of President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.
He had been smuggled out of Palestine, first to Greece and then to the United States, and after he was back in Cincinnati for a few months, he was asked to serve on a second ship.
He served as First/Chief Mate aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.

Event Note

Sam Baer served as a Crew Member and Engineer aboard President Warfild Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.

Event Note

John Stanley Grauel served as Galley Crew aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.

Event Note

John Stanley Grauel's official cover was as a foreign correspondent for the Episcopal journal, The Churchman.
When President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז docked in Marseille, he flew to Paris, where he helped organize the transfer of Jewish refugees from DP camps to the port of embarkation on the southern coast of France.
When President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז sailed for Palestine, John Stanley Grauel took on the role of ship's cook, and also served as unofficial mediator between the crew and the passengers.

Event Note

Eli Kalmanowitz Kalm, a Bronx native, served as Chief Steward aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.

Event Note

David 'Kochavi' Starec left his rabbinical studies at Yeshiva University to become an Orthodox rabbi, to serve as engine room crew aboard Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז President Warfield.

Event Note

Frank Lavine served as an able-bodied Seaman aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.
After his discharge from the United States Army, Frank Lavine received a call from New York asking if he would help Jews, and a short time later, he was on his way to Baltimore and President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.
He worked preparing the ship until she sailed for Europe.
During the voyage to Europe, Frank Lavine assisted with navigation, lookout and the fire watch.
After President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז arrived in Marseille, he was issued discharge papers, but, a planned, he and other crew, remained aboard, when the Maapilim were taken on board and sailed to Palestine.

Event Note

Solomon 'Sol' M. Lester served as First/Second Engineering Officer aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.

Event Note

On March 29, 1947, 'Bill' Millman, age 21 years, served as Deck Crew aboard President Warfild Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.
He had been sent to Baltimore where the Weston Trading Co. a friend told him, worked at in getting emigrants to Palestine.
When he signed on as Helmsman and Bosun mate, and first saw the ship, 'Bill' Millman cites: "No lights, no heat, plenty of rats, It had a metal hull but the superstructure atop the hull was entirely made of wood. The boat was outfitted with 5,000 life jackets and 5,000 1-gallon tins of water and the crew set sail for the Azores."
He became involved in the illegal immigration movement for personal reasons.
'Bill' Millman cites: "I had my problems in the service because of the fact that I was Jewish, "I caught a lot of garbage. But I took care of myself. And when I came out (of the Navy), I didn't like what I saw and what I read about" what the Nazis had done. "I decided I would do something about it."

Event Note

Avraham Sygal, a volunteer from Mexico, served as Engine Room Crew aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.

Place Note

Mike Weiss served as boatswain-carpenter aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.

Event Note

On March 22, 1947, President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז stopped at Paulsboro, New Jersey, to take on fuel and change captain.

Event Note

Zeev Siegel served aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז, and received his naval training on board the ship.

Event Note

Harry Weinsaft served as a Deck Crew aboard President Warfild Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.
Harry Weinsaft cited: “Since the world did not help us in World War II and after, we had to help ourselves. We broke every law to get our people home and would do it again.”

Event Note

Cyril 'Cy' Weinstein, age 22 years, one of 40 young Jewish volunteers from the United States, served as Third Mate aboard President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז.

Event Note

On March 29, 1947, at 11:10AM, President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז sailed from Philadelphia.

Event Note

On April 5, 1947, President Warfield Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז stopped at Ponta Delgada, Azores Açores.

[1c] [2a]
Boat July 18, 1947 HMT Ocean Vigour Ocean Voyager אושן ויגור 1,464 Maapilim and crew members of Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז were transferred to HMT Ocean Vigour for transport to Port-de-Bouc

Event Note

The Washington Times cites: "The night of July 18, 1947, the British Royal Navy rammed the boat and boarded it in international waters to keep it from entering Palestine. After a struggle with passengers and crew, three shipmates were killed, including one crew member."
After the British subdued Exodus 1947 אקסודוס passengers and crew, and a medical team was brought on board, Bernard Marks was introduced as Captain. He guided her into Haifa חיפה port.
During the disembarkation process he slipped away with the help of Haganah הגנה members posing as dock workers, and was taken to kibbutz Ein Hashofet קיבוץ עין השופט.
He was later discovered by the British and imprisoned briefly, before returning to the United States.

Event Note

David 'Kochavi' Starec, age 18 years, stayed with the Maapilim on HMT Ocean Vigour.

Event Note

Frank Lavine stayed with the Maapilim on HMT Ocean Vigour.
Frank Lavine cites: "After being driven off the prison ship “Ocean Vigour” by club swinging English troops in Hamburg, Germany, we were put on heavily guarded trains and taken to Poppendorf and Amstau internment camps. Most of us ended up in Poppendorf."

Event Note

Meier Schwarz, who had been sent to Europe to usher refugees to the south of France to catch Haapalah boats to Israel, was smuggled aboard HMT Ocean Vigour, deporting the 4,500 Exodus 1947 Maapilm.
He served as Haganah הגנה Commander aboard HMT Ocean Vigour, on her voyage back to France.

Event Note

Zeev Siegel was transported back to France on HMT Ocean Vigour, and was assigned by Yossi Harel the job of Escort מלווה, serving under Zvi Meeri Katznelson, head מלווה, to live with the Maapilim, and help maintain their morale and discipline.

Event Note

Moses Fuks, age 11 years, and Hadassa Fuks, age 14 years, were transported back to France on HMT Ocean Vigour.

Event Note

Zevulun Gold, Nehama Gold and Pesia Gold, were transported back to France on HMT Ocean Vigour.

Event Note

Michael Pertzov and Pessia Baumstein Pertzov were transported back to France on HMT Ocean Vigour.
Berry Pinshow cites: Pessia Baumstein Pertzov gave birth to a daughter, Hana, in the ship's "hospital".

Event Note

Disembarking Exodus 1947, Izhak Pressburger was put on the Transport Ship, HMT Ocean Vigour.
Itzhak Pressburger cites: "We then realized that instead of going northwest towards Cyprus, the ship was headed west towards France,"

Boat 1948 Nogah Noga (K26) MV Yucatan PC.1265 MV Yucatan sailed from Vera Cruz to Marseille

Event Note

Bernard Marks piloted MV Yucatan from Vera Cruz to Marseille, with a cargo of illegal arms for the Haganah.

Place Note

On August 18, 1948, MV Yucatan Nogah arrived at Marseille, after sailing through a terrible storm, in which the ship rolled over 40 degrees,
David Hanovice cites: "While waiting in Marseille, all of the American Merchant Seamen, including Captain Ben Berg, C/E Dan Bailey, 1st Assistant Engineer Ben Hagai Steuerman and Bernie Marks transferred to another ship. The other volunteers continued with the Yucatan to Haifa. We went to dry docking for inspection were they repaired the storm damages and overhauled both main engines before sailing to Haifa, Israel. In Marseille, Ben Halpern joined the Ship as Chief Engineer and also managed it as ship's agent. He knew his way around and spoke French fluently. I was appointed to work with the shipyard technicians, supervise and assist in the overhaul of the main engines and other engine room repairs, supplying them with needed spare parts from the ship's inventory. Volunteers from among Jewish DP's and others from DP camps around Marseille who were awaiting transportation to Israel at that time performed some of the work of the ship's maintenance."

Boat July, 1948 כלנית Anemone Mayflower SS Mala Calanit Calanit Mala sailed from Marseille for Haifa

Event Note

In July, 1948, Bernard Marks, who had come to Marseille aboard MV Yucatan Nogah, sailed aboard Calanit כלנית Mala to Israel, where he joined up with group of his former Exodus 1947 crew to train with the fledgling Israeli paratrooper corps.
After the ceasefire, he served on several Israeli ships before returning to the United States.


Event Note

Bernard Marks spent several years as a fundraiser for the United Jewish Appeal, and then opened a real estate agency in Cincinnati.



Source References

  1. The Jews' Secret Fleet: The Untold Story of North American Volunteers Who Smashed the British Blockade
    1. Page: 177
    2. Page: 175
    3. Page: 176
  2. The Exodus affair: Holocaust survivors and the struggle for Palestine
    1. Page: 92


    1. Marks, Bernard 'Berny'