Witelson, Abraham Izaak ben Jakub Majer

Birth Name Witelson, Abraham Izaak ben Jakub Majer
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth April 29, 1920 Łódź, województwo Łódzkie, Polska  

Education September, 1939 Łódź, województwo Łódzkie, Polska Abraham Izaak Witelson was a Talmudic student at the sztibel

Transport 1942 Auschwitz Konzentrationslager, Oświęcim, powiat Oświęcimski, województwo Małopolskie, Polska Abraham Izaak Witelson was transported by truck

Camp 1944 Mauthausen Konzentrationslager Mauthausen-Gusen, Mauthausen, bezirk Perg, Mühlviertel, Oberösterreich, Österreich Abraham Izaak Witelson worked in the quarries

Event Note

Abraham Izaak Witelson remained in Mauthausen until the United States Army arrived on May 7, 1945.
He was a 33-34 kg Musulman. the Americans sent him to a rest home, where he stayed for 3-4 months.

Camp 1942 Auschwitz Konzentrationslager, Oświęcim, powiat Oświęcimski, województwo Małopolskie, Polska Abraham Izaak Witelson was sent to the Union arms factory, not far from Birkenau, to load and unload trains and trucks

Boat March 23, 1947 מולדת ‎San Philippo San Felipe Homeland Moledet Moledet מולדת San Philippo sailed from Metaponto for Palestine

Event Note

On March 23, 1947, Moledet מולדת sailed from Metaponto, carrying 1,568 passengers.
Fabi Gaver served as Palyam Commander aboard Moledet מולדת.
Menachem Ben-Yami served as Gidoni , Wireless Radio Operator, aboard Moledet מולדת.
Alex Dotan Schecht, Gad Heilbrun and Aharon Shechtman served as Palyam Escorts aboard Moledet מולדת.
Palyamniks Yisrael Rotem and Avraham Riklis helped the passengers board.

Event Note

Abraham Izaak Witelson and Szejndl Sari Bracha Perl sailed to Palestine on Moledet מולדת San Phippo.
In 1945, Abraham Izaak Witelson was sent to a village near Bari, to prepare for his voyage to Palestine; each Zionist youth movement had its kibbutz, and he was a member of the Agudat Israel kibbutz.

Place Note

Moledet מולדת heeled to one side at the start of the voyage at an angle of twelve degrees, and after taking on passengers, was at an angle of twenty degrees.

Place Note

On March 29, 1947, RAF reconnaisance aircraft spotted Moledet מולדת San Philippo about 90 miles northwest of Haifa חיפה.
HMS Charity intercepted Moledet מולדת San Philippo, and HMS Haydon joined HMS Charity later that day.
When she was intercepted, Moledet מולדת San Philippo was listing close to 35 degrees, but refused help, so the Royal Navy vessels dropped back and watched.

Camp 1947 Καράολος Gazimagusa Karakol Karaolos Internment Camps 55-62, Mağusa bölgesi, Κύπρος Kıbrıs The British interned Abraham Izaak Witelson and Szejndl Sari Bracha Perl in a Detention Camp

Marriage 1947 Καράολος Gazimagusa Karakol Karaolos Internment Camps 55-62, Mağusa bölgesi, Κύπρος Kıbrıs Abraham Izaak Witelson married Szejndl Sari Bracha Perl

Aliyah 1948   Abraham Izaak Witelson and Szejndl Sari Bracha Perl immigrated legally



Father Witelson, Jakub Majer
Mother Kaufman, Mindla Laja


Married Wife Perl, Szejndl 'Sari' Bracha


  1. Witelson, Jakub Majer
    1. Kaufman, Mindla Laja
      1. Witelson, Abraham Izaak ben Jakub Majer
        1. [['
        2. ', ['', u"Perl, Szejndl 'Sari' Bracha", ''], '
        3. ']]
