Wiesel, Meir

Birth Name Wiesel, Meir
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1929 Satu Mare Szatmárnémeti, județul Satu Mare, Transilvania, regiunea de dezvoltare Nord-Vest, România Mordechai and Meir Wiesel were twins

Transport 1944 Auschwitz Konzentrationslager, Oświęcim, powiat Oświęcimski, województwo Małopolskie, Polska  

Event Note

In1944, when the Germans invaded Hungary, his father sent Mordechai Wiesel and his two brothers to work on a farm.

Event Note

Mordechai Wiesel and his brothers were taken to the ghetto, and then, with his family, were put on the second transport to Auschwitz.

Event Note

Mordechai Wiesel, and his twin brother Meir, reached Auschwitz on their 15th birthday.
At the first selektion, Motke and Meir were separated from their parents and siblings, whom they never saw again.

Camp 1944 Plaszow Konzentrationslager KZ Plaszow Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp, Podgórze, Kraków, powiat Krakowski, województwo Małopolskie, Polska  

Event Note

After a week in Auschwitz, the twins, Mordechai and Meir Wiesel, were sent to the Plaszow camp, where they worked in Oskar
Schindler’s pig farm and as apprentice builders

Camp   Groß-Rosen Konzentrationslager, Rogoźnica, Dolny Śląsk, powiatŚwidnicki, województwo Dolnośląskie, Polska  


Residence   קיבוץ שדה נחום kibbutz Sde Nahum, עמק המעיינות, דרום הגליל, הצפון, ישראל  



    1. Wiesel, Meir