Lone Wolf: A Two-Volume Biography of Vladimir (Ze'ev) Jabotinsky
Author | מואל כץ Shmuel Katz |
Publication information | 1993 |
Shmuel Katz'wrote a two-volume biography of Vladimir Jabotinsky in which Jabotinsky was describes as a figure whose ideas and influence were essential, indispensable, to the founding of the State of Israel,
Vladimir Jabotinsky died in 1940, at the age of sixty, in a far-off place called Hunter, New York, banished from the land and the community to which he had devoted his life. Jabotinsky's banishment was not only an official one at the hands of the British authorities then in charge of Palestine who had found him a “nuisance” for his unswervable insistence on the right of Jews to take all they had been given title to under the League of Nations Mandate.
The banishment was an unofficial one as well, at the hands of many former colleagues who were relieved to have him out of sight and pleased blacken his name.
"שמואל כץ כתב את הביוגרפיה המקיפה ביותר של ז'בוטינסקי, "ז'בו", את "הרשת", סיפורה של מחתרת ניל"י.