Schoenfeld Schonfeld, Solomon ben Avigdor

Birth Name Schoenfeld Schonfeld, Solomon ben Avigdor
Birth Name שיינפעלד, שלמה בן אביגדור
Call Name שלמה
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth February 21, 1912    


Transport   Kindertransport Children’s Transport  

Education   Nitra, okres Nitra, Nitriansky kraj, Slovensko Solomon Schoenfeld studied at the yeshiva ,where he became the student and friend of Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl



In late summer 1942, Rabbi Dr Solomon Schoenfeld convinced the Colonial Office to allow Jews to find safe haven in Mauritius.



In December 1942, Rabbi Dr Solomon Schoenfeld discussed the rescue of Jews with highly positioned church men and Members of Parliament, and organized Parliament-wide support for a motion that asked the government to make a declaration along the following lines:
"That in view of the massacres and starvation of Jews and others in enemy and enemy-occupied countries, this House asks H. M. Government, following the United Nations Declaration read to both Houses of Parliament on 17th December, 1942, and in consultation with the Dominion Governments and the Government of India, to declare its readiness to find temporary refuge in its own territories or in territories under its control for endangered persons who are able to leave those countries; to appeal to the Governments of countries bordering on enemy and enemy-occupied countries to allow temporary asylum and transit facilities for such persons; to offer to those Governments, so far as practicable, such help as may be needed to facilitate their co-operation; and to invite the other Allied Governments to consider similar action."


    1. Schoenfeld Schonfeld, Solomon ben Avigdor