אוירבך Auerbach Averbach, Yisrael 'Yisrulik' 'Uzi'
Birth Name | אוירבך Auerbach Averbach, Yisrael 'Yisrulik' 'Uzi' |
Call Name | 'Yisrulik' |
Gender | male |
Event | Date | Place | Description | Notes | Sources |
Birth | 1925 |
Event Note Yisrael Auerbach, at age 8 years, and his family moved to Bat Galim בת גלים, in Haifa חיפה. In the summer of 1942, at age 12 years, Yisrael Auerbach joined the Machanot Olim youth group in Haifa חיפה. |
Military Service | 1942 | פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה |
Event Note
Yisrael Auerbach joined F Company, called the Jerusalem Platoon, at Ein haHoresh עין החורש. |
Military Action | January, 1943 | Palyam פלי"ם No. 1 Seamanship course קורס הראשון |
Event Note
A notice was posted on the bulletin board asking for volunteers for the First Palyam Sea Nautical training course, (from January to March 1943, held at Caesarea קיסריה.
The Palyam פלי"ם No. 1 Sea course, in January, 1943: At the beginning of 1943, Avraham Dar was sent to the first Palyam פלי"ם Sea course in Caesarea קיסריה, where he met Zalman Perach. |
Military Action | May, 1943 | Yisrael Auerbach participated in the bringing Olim from Syria |
Occupation | July, 1943 |
Event Note Yisrael Auerbach and Kippy Kaplan reported to Davidka Nameri of Solel Boneh to work at HaOgen, which ran motor launches to service the ships in Haifa harbor. |
Boat | February, 1944 | עמל Amal | Amal עמל |
Place Note
Amal עמל was an old ship that belonged to the Atid Company of the Burkhardt family.
Yisrael Auerbach and Aryeh Kippy Kaplan served as Deckhands on Amal עמל. |
Boat | March, 1945 | עמוס MS Amos |
Place Note
Amos עמוס was a fishing vessel that had been converted to a merchant ship.
Under a special agreement between the Haganah and the ship’s owners, Amos עמוס served as a practical training vessel for Palyamniks and members of Atid Company who served as crew members. |
- אוירבך Auerbach Averbach, Yisrael 'Yisrulik' 'Uzi'