Geffner Ghefner, Emanuel

Birth Name Geffner Ghefner, Emanuel
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources

Boat December 12, 1941 סטרומה Kafireus Καφηρεύς Espiros Есперос Macedonia Makedoniya Македония Strymon Струма Struma Struma Струма sailed from Constanţa, via Istanbul, for Palestine

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Struma Струма sailed from Constanţa. carrying 747 passenger.
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: On December 11, 1941, Struma Струма sailed from Constanţa. carrying 790 passenger.
Holocaust Forum Blogspot cites: Struma Струма carried approximately 790 passengers, apart from the crew.
The Foundation of the Advancement of Sepgatdic Studies and Culture cites: Struma Струма carried 769 passengers, who "had paid an exorbitant price for passage on this boat."
Abraham J. Edelheit and Hershel Edelheit cite: Struma Струма carried 769 passengers.
The Struma Project cites: Struma Струма carried 778 Romanian and Russian Jews.
Samuel Aroni cites: List of the Constanţa Port Police, was "prepared by the Constanţa Port Police at embarkation, December 8-11, 1941, it is numbered and contains 765 names."
Samuel Aroni cites: List of the American Consul General in Istanbul, Samuel W. Honaker, the American Consul General in Istanbul, prepared an "alphabetical list of 768 names."
Samuel Aroni cites: Romanian List of Serban Gheorghiu "presents, alphabetically, 767 names and ages."
Samuel Aroni cites: List of Struma Victims for the Holon Monument contains 801 names, without ages, again mistakenly including three names of people who disembarked in Istanbul."
Samuel Aroni cites: List of Efhraim Ofir "contains an alphabetical and numerical list of 767 names and ages, in addition to a separate list of the crew."
On the Black Sea, the engine gave out several times, and it took Struma Струма three days to make the short trip to Istanbul.
Our cites: "The voyage from Constanza to Istanbul, normally a matter of fourteen hours, took the Struma four days, during which it drifted most of the time because of repeated engine failures."


Event Note

Grigor 'Grigoriy' Timofeev Gorbatenko Григор Тимофеев Горбатенко a Bulgarian, served as Captain aboard Struma Струма.

Event Note

Lazar Ivanov Dikov Dikof Лазар Иванов Диков, a Bulgarian, served as Chief Mate aboard Struma Струма.

Event Note

Golda Eger served as Crew aboard Struma Струма.

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On December 12, 1941, Tea Hilsenrad sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa, and she served as Crew.

Event Note

Osep Garabedov Осеп Пловдив, a Bulgarian, served as sailor aboard Struma Струма.

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Tiberiu Komlos served as Crew aboard Struma Струма.

Event Note

Damyan Stoyanov Дамян Стоянов served as Engineer aboard Struma Струма.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Etl Abramovici sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Gisela Abramovici sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Jean Abramovici sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Josef Abramovici sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Moise Abramovici sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Gustav Adler, and his wife, Otelia Tilia, sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Simon Zeilig Agar sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Ben Zion Alter, his wife, Tony 'Tonne', and daughter, Ester, sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.


Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Jacob Alter, age 5 years, sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Jacques 'Zhak' Antonier sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

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On December 12, 1941, Rosica Roza Antonier sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, H. Salomon Apfelberg sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.


Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Emanuel Appel sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Seigfried Aronescu sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Berthold Avner and his wife, Mesalina Davidovici, sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Benjamin Teodor Brettschneider sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Ilie Cahan sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Sofia Davidovici, sister of Mesalina Davidovici, sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Rosa Fuks, age 37 years, sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Emanuel Geffner sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Zelig Sigmund Katz sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Dr. Severin Lazarovici sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Gizela Pitaru sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Solomon Ziegelman sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, David Stoliar sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.
David's father, Jacob Stoliar realized that the only chance left for David was to emigrate to Palestine aboard Struma Струма, and he paid the high amount requested for passage.
Joel Ives cites David Stollar escaped from Bucuresti, with his fiancée, Lisa Lotringer, and his future in-laws.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Itzhak Tercatin, a lawyer, and one of the organizers of the journey, sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.
On February 27, 1942, Yediot Aharonit cites: "Tinerii prezentau pe vapor Oneg Shabat, proceseliterare cu subiecte din literatura, organizate de un avocat cu numele Tercatin..."

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Eliezer Terkel sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Meyer Weingarten, his wife, Zipora 'Cilli', and children, Abraham Avramide Weingarten, Benjamin Weingarten, sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Hans Wolfshaut sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Marcu Zaharia sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Benzion Zaitz, his wife, Sara, and daughter, Riva, sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Szaul Zalmanowici sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Mayer Gustav Zeller sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

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On December 12, 1941, Avram Godel Zissu sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Event Note

On December 12, 1941, Luis Zolciver sailed on Struma Струма from Constanţa.

Boat December 13, 1941 סטרומה Kafireus Καφηρεύς Espiros Есперос Macedonia Makedoniya Македония Strymon Струма Struma Struma Струма was towed to Istanbul, where she stayed for 71 days

Place Note

On December 14, 1941, In response to its distress calls, Turkish vessels towed Struma Струма as far as Sarayburnu, the heart of Istanbul.
Our cites: "Bulgarian captain,. G. T. Gorbatenko, made it clear to the Turks that it would be too perilous for the Struma to put to sea again in German-patrolled waters even if it could be rendered seaworthy, and he did not believe it could be."
"The Turks understood that the choice before them was either to let the refugees disembark or to send them to what would most likely be a watery grave. At first they chose to do neither, but to look to Britain (which, after all, had the mandate for the Jewish National Home) to make the decision for them. Accordingly, the assistant secretary-general of the Turkish Foreign Ministry put it to the British ambassador, Sir Hughe Knatchbull-Hugessen: Should the refugees to permitted to land and be put on trains bound for Haifa or should the vessel be forced back into the Black Sea?"
"Colonial Minister, Lord Moyne, had Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden see to it that KJnatchbull-Hugessen was clearly instructed to the let the Turks know that the Struma should be sent back where it came from. (Said Moyne: “The landing of 700 more immigrants….will have a deplorable effect (by) encouraging (many more) Jews to embark on (this) traffic…” Said his aide, E. B. Boyd: “Sir H. Knatchbull-Hugessen had a heaven-sent opportunity of getting the people sent back and failed to avail himself of it.”)"
During her stay in Istanbul, only 9 people can leave Struma Струма; 8 were allowed to disembark because they had visas from Bucharest Bucuresti, and the ninth person was a pregnant woman, Medea Solomonivici, who disembarked to give birth.

Event Note

Benjamin Teodor Brettschneider disembarked Struma Струма at Istanbul.
He carried a passport from a South American country, and he had forged a visa that allowed him to pass the first inspection.
He tried to affix his fiancee's photo to his passport as a family member, which raised the suspicion of the inspector, and she was not able to disembark Struma Струма, and he reluctantly had to leave her behind.

Event Note

Emanuel Geffner disembarked Struma Струма at Istanbul.

Transport   חיפה Haifa, חיפה, ישראל The train travelled from Istanbul, across Syria, through Lebanon, to Palestine

Event Note

Emanuel Geffner, who possessed a valid, but expired, visa, and Benjamin Teodor Brettschneider travelled by train from Istanbul to Haifa.

Death 1942   Emanuel Geffner died in a car accident shortly after his arrival in Palestine


Source References

  1. Death on the Black Sea: The Untold Story of the ‘Struma’ and World War II’s Holocaust at Sea


    1. Geffner Ghefner, Emanuel