גל ‎ Klein, Nehemia 'Hemi'

Birth Name גל ‎ Klein, Nehemia 'Hemi'
Also Known As גל, נחמיה 'חמי'
Call Name 'Hemi'
Call Name 'חמי'
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1913    

Marriage     Nehemia Klein married Anutza

Transport September, 1941 Кладово-Шабац Kladovo-Šabac Transport The Kladovo-Šabac Transport sailed down the Danube River from Bratislava

Event Note

Leo Dort joined the transport in Kladovo, with 150 refugees already in Yugoslavia

Event Note

Nehemia Klein, and his wife, Anutza, joined the Kladovo-Šabac Transport.
Nehemia Klein served on the Passenger Committee.

Event Note

While waiting on the frozen Danube River, Berta Kliper learnt that her mother passed away.
Her father stayed in Wien and perished in the Holocaust.
Her sisters and brothers were sent in Kindertransport to England.

Event Note

Aharon Langsam was on the Kladovo-Šabac Transport bound for Palestine with a group of 50 men from Gdansk, heads of Jewish families.
On the boat were 1,300 Jewish men and women most of them from Austria fleeing Nazi persecution.

Event Note

Haim Shazker joined the Kladovo-Šabac Tansport with his mother, uncle and aunt who were murdered in Yugoslavia.

Event Note

Hanna Vienner joined the Kladovo-Šabac Transport in Bratislava.

Event Note

Heinrich Weinman and his brother, Sigfrid, joined the Kladovo-Šabac Transport.
Sigfrid Weinman was to serve as one of the adult escorting Aliyat haNoar Youth immigration, but he conceded his place to a sick friend.

Event Note

Heinrich Weinroch, and his sister, Leah, joined the Kladovo-Šabac Transport.
Their parents were transported to his father's home town, Kshanov, and then, to Auschwitz.
Leah Weinroch that was murdered by the Germans in a Gas Truck.

Camp March 19. 1941 מחנה המעצר בעתלית Atlit Detention Camp ,עתלית Atlit, חוף הכרמל, חיפה, ישראל Darien דאריאן arrived at Haifa, and the British interned the Maapilim at Atlit Dentention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית

Place Note

On March 19. 1941, Darien דאריאן arrived at Haifa.
She was intercepted by the British, and her 878 passengers were to be deported to Mauritius.
Our Jerusalem.com cites: "Darien reached Haifa with 792 people on and was caught and confiscated by the British Mandate government. The Refugees were in Atlit detention camps for 15 to 18 months."
No ship was available to transport them, so they were interned at Atlit Dentention Camp.

Event Note

After release from the Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית, Anutza and Nehemia Klein went to kibbutz Usha קיבוץ אושה, and later moved to Nahariyah נהריה

Event Note

After release from the Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית, Yohanan Goldman volunteered for the British Army, and served in the Jewish Brigade.

Event Note

Mordechai Herling wrote a dairy in Hebrew, from the day he left Home in December, 1940.
In September, 1942, he was released from Atlit Detentee Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית.
His dairy, Dairy of a Maapil, was published, with the help of Atlit Detainee Camp Museum מוזיאון ההעפלה במחנה המעצר בעתלית.

Event Note

In December, 1948, lawyer Lawrence Weston appealed to the High Court for release of the prisoners held at Kessilotimbou (Xylotimbou) Detention Camp, on behalf of Mordechai Herling, who represented the 5,163 Maapilim.

Event Note

After release from the Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית, Haim Shpar joined a group that was formed to worked in kibbutz Ashdot Yaakov קיבוץ אשדות יעקב and kibbutz Geva קיבוץ גבע.

Military Service   הגנה Haganah  




Married Wife , Anutza
  1. גל Gal, Alon


    1. גל ‎ Klein, Nehemia 'Hemi'
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