Phillips, Adrian Abraham

Birth Name Phillips, Adrian Abraham [1]
Call Name Adrian
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth     Adrian Abraham Phillips came from New York

Graduation   City College of New York, New York, United States of America  

Military Service   United States Merchant Marines USMM  

Military Service 1947 מח"ל מתנדבי חוץ לארץ ‎Machal Volunteers from Abroad Adrian Phillips volunteered

Boat   יציאת אירופה Exodus 1947 אקסודוס תש"ז USS President Warfield Adrian Phillips joine the crew in Baltimore

Event Note

Adrian Phillips was reassigned to another Haapalah ship before President Warfield left Baltimore on her voyage.

Boat   התקווה T.V. McAlister USCGC Gresham Tradewinds haTikvah Adrian Phillips served as Second Engineering Officer

Event Note

Adrian Phillips had trained as a mechanical engineer.

Camp   Καράολος Gazimagusa Karakol Karaolos Internment Camps 55-62, Mağusa bölgesi, Κύπρος Kıbrıs  

Event Note

The passengers and crew of Tradewinds haTikvah התקווה were interned on Cyprus for three months.
The British eventually decided to transfer the prisoners to the Atlit Detention Camp, and the crew members plotted to blow up the prison ship that brought them.
They hit a snag when disembarkation was delayed after the explosive timer was already set, but, after passengers and crew had disembarked, and as the bus pulled away, carrying the passengers to the prison, the ship exploded.

Event Note

Adrian Phillips escaped from the Detention Camp on Cyprus, but was recaptures.

Boat   HMS Empire Lifeguard HMS Maiden Castle, Royal Navy  

Event Note

Adrian Phillips was arrested by the British, held responsible for the sabotage of HMT Empire Lifeguard.

Camp   מחנה המעצר בעתלית Atlit Detention Camp ,עתלית Atlit, חוף הכרמל, חיפה, ישראל Adrian Phillips, Herman Braverman and Michael Weiss were held by the British, without being charged

Event Note

The crew members of Tradewinds haTikvah התקווה of whom were Americans, were interned in Atlit Detention Camp.
Most of the crew members, including the skipper, Sydney Yellin, were released soon after, to avoid an incident between the United States and Britain.

Event Note

Rose Phillips, Adrian's mother, ran a one-man campaign for the release of her son.
After contacting newspapers, State Department officials, and congressmen, Rose was able to get her son returned to the United States.

Marriage     Adrian Phillips married Gerda Gottesman.


Source References

  1. Umlegale: Yidn Shpaltn Yamen: di Geshikhte fun an Umlegale Rayze Keyn Erets-Yisroel “Illegal”: Jews Ply the Seas: The History of an Illegal Transport to Palestine)


    1. Phillips, Adrian Abraham