Gutman Guttmann, Shlomo Szlomo

Birth Name Gutman Guttmann, Shlomo Szlomo

    Solomon Shlomo שלמה is derived from the Hebrew word Shalom שלום Peace, Whole, Completeness, or Welfare.
    Zalman זלמן is a variant of Shlomo שלמה Solomon.
    * Salomon
    * Salomo
    * Szlomo
    * זלמן
    * Zalman
    * Zalomon
    * Zelka
    * Zolkind
    * Salmon
    * Zelman
    * Suleiman
    * Sulaiman
    * Süleyman
    * Soliman
    * Shlomi
    * Shloime
    * Sol
    * Solly
    * Zally
    * Zalmele

    Guttmann גוטמן is a Jewish-German family name, which means Good Man איש טוב.

Call Name Shlomo
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth     Shlomo Szlomo Gutman was the son of a well-known merchant family

Marriage   Będzin, Zagłębie Dąbrowskie, powiat Będziński, województwo Śląskie, Polska Shlomo Szlomo Gutman married Rele Grauvard

Camp February, 1942   Shlomo Szlomo Gutman was arrested for attempting to help a woman, a relative of the Rabbi of Gur, who had been arrested on suspicion of bribery

Event Note

A few days after the Germans occupied Będzin, on September 4, 1939, the small factory owned by Shlomo Gutman was confiscated.

Transport October, 1942 Auschwitz Konzentrationslager, Oświęcim, powiat Oświęcimski, województwo Małopolskie, Polska  

Death   Auschwitz Konzentrationslager, Oświęcim, powiat Oświęcimski, województwo Małopolskie, Polska  



Married Wife Grauvard Graubart, Rele Rella Rachela bat Issachar Dov (Barish)
  1. Gutman Guttmann, Dov 'Barish' Bernard ben Shlomo
  2. Gutman Guttmann, Tusia Tushia bat Shlomo
  3. גטמון Gutman Guttmann Gatmon, Alexander 'Alex' ben Shlomo


    1. Gutman Guttmann, Shlomo Szlomo
      1. [['
      2. ', ['', u'Grauvard Graubart, Rele Rella Rachela bat Issachar Dov (Barish)', ''], ['
          ', ['
        1. ', ['', u"Gutman Guttmann, Dov 'Barish' Bernard ben Shlomo", ''], '
        2. '], ['
        3. ', ['', u'Gutman Guttmann, Tusia Tushia bat Shlomo', ''], '
        4. '], ['
        5. ', ['', u"\u05d2\u05d8\u05de\u05d5\u05df Gutman Guttmann Gatmon, Alexander 'Alex' ben Shlomo", ''], '
        6. '], '
        '], '
      3. ']]