כצנלסון Katzenelson Katznelson, Tzvi 'Miri'

Birth Name כצנלסון Katzenelson Katznelson, Tzvi 'Miri'
Birth Name כצנלסון, צבי
Call Name 'Miri'
Call Name צבי
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth February 23, 1922 Мір Mir, Гарадскі пасёлак Карэлічы, Гродзенская вобласць, Беларусь  

Aliyah 1938   Tzvi Katznelson , age 16 years, left Mir, with Aliyat haNoar

Education 1938 כפר הנוער בן שמן Ben- Shemen Youth Village, בן שמן, חבל מודיעין, המרכז, ישראל  

Military Service   הגנה Haganah  

Event Note

Zvi Katznelson went for training to kibbutz Beit Zera קיבוץ בית זרע and from there to kibbutz Hazorea קיבוץ הזורע.

Military Service 1942 פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה  

Military Service 1943 פלי“ם Palyam פלוגת הים‎, פלמ”ח, הגנה  

Event Note

Tzvi Katznelson served in B Company, under the command of Meirke Davidson, stationed at kibbutz Shaar haAmakim קיבוץ שער העמקים.

Event Note

In 1943 the Palyam platoon was organized at Caesarea קיסריה and many of the men of B Company joined;
* David 'Dudale' ben Chorin
* Tzvi Katznelson
* Gad Lasker
* Moshe Rabinovitch

Event Note

Zvi Katznelson joined the crew of the fishing vessel Karish, and served as helmsman and fisherman.

Military Action 1945   Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 1 Naval Officers' course קורס הראשון

Event Note

The Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 1 Naval Officers' course, in 1945:
* Shmuel Tankus
* Dov 'Berchik' Magen
Chaim Shani cites: "I also served as an instructor in the first course for naval officers of the Palyam, at Sheikh Abreikh. Lessons in sabotage took place at the Graves of the Nobles at Bet Sha’arim. Among the pupils were Shmuel Tankus and Moka Limon."
* Tzvi Katznelson

Boat September 12, 1945 פטר א‘ ב’ Pietro-Alberta Peter עליה Aliyah אלברטינה Alberta Albertina Peter פטר א sailed from Taranto for Rishpon-Shefayim

Place Note

On September 12, 1945, Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1 sailed from Taranto, carrying 168 passengers.
Paul H. Silverstone cites Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1 sailed from Metaponto., carrying 171 passengers.
Palmach Information Center cites: Pietro A carried 171 passengers.
Achille Rastelli cites: "Pietro, con due viaggi da Taranto nel settembre e nell’ottobre 1945 con 168 e 174 persone."
Tzvi Katznelson cites: "a convoy of 171 immigrants arrived at Santa Margharita (did Zvi Katznelson mean Santa Margherita Ligure?) , and were brought to the ship by Italian fishing boats."
The Captain Padrone, and an Italain crew served aboard Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1.
Avraham Raiss seved as Gidoni aboard Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1.
Tzvi Katznelson and Eliezer Versh served as Palyam Escorts aboard Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1.

Place Note

Tzvi Katznelson cites during the voyage of Peter A ‘פטר א Pietro 1, "The only thing that did go wrong is that somewhere on our journey we lost the anchor. When, during a storm, we stopped at the island of Cos(su) unknown assailants opened fire on us. We left the anchor where it was and took off in a hurry."
Tzvi Ben-Tzur cites "She took shelter in the island of Cos, Greece, because of stormy weather, but the local police thought the vessel was engaged in smuggling and fired upon her. She was forced to raise anchor and flee.'

Event Note

Avraham Rickman Karni made the voyage on Albertina אלברטינה three times, so that it could return the Italian crews home.
Avraham Rickman Karni cites: "we had trouble getting the Italian crews back to Italy. One way of getting around this problem which we used often, was to send two ships, one large and one small. They would meet at an appointed spot not far from Cyprus and the passengers of the small vessel would transfer to the large one, and the crew of the large vessel would transfer to the small one, which would then head back to its point of origin."

Place Note

On September 17, 1945, Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1 arrived off the coast of Palestine.
On the night of September 19, 1945, Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1 was off the shore of Rishpon רשפון Shefayim שפיים.
Tzvi Ben-Tzur cites: "The vessel arrived off the coast of Shfayim on September 19th, unknown to the British. The Ma’apilim were swiftly brought to shore by launch."

Boat January 9, 1946 אנצו סרני also see Bonim ve'Lochamim Rondina Rondine Swallow Enzo Sereni Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני sailed from Vado Ligure for Palestine

Event Note

In December, 1945, 4 days prior to sailing, Zalman Perach, who served as Palyam פלי"ם Commander‎ מפקד aboard Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני, reached the boat.

Place Note

On January 7-9, 1946, Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני sailed from Vado Ligure, carrying 908 passengers.
Palmach Information Center cites on January 9th 1946 Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני sailed from a port north of Savona.
Tzvi Katznelson cites Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני sailed on January 9, 1946, carrying 900 passengers.
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני sailed from Vado on January 7, 1946, carrying 908 passengers. Many refugees were former partisans, 551 men, 357 women.
Amuta Yam.org cites Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני sailed from Vado Ligure on January 9, 1946, carrying 908 passengers.
Tvi Ben-Tzur cites: "Among the Ma’apilim was a group of children called “The Children of Salvino”, who were orphans, survivors of the Holocaust, gathered by the
members of the Jewish units in the British Army and cared for in a camp erected for them in the village of Salvino."
Miccheno Giovanni served as Captain aboard Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני., and the deckhands and engine room personnel were Italian.
Zalman Perach served as Palyam פלי"ם Escort מלווה‎‎, and Palyam פלי"ם Commander מפקד aboard Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני.
Gershon Etzion served as Gidoni גדעוני, wireless radio operator, aboard Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני.
Tzvi Katznelson and Gad Lasker served as Palyam פלי"ם Escorts מלווים aboard Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני.

Event Note

Giovanni Miccheno served as Captain aboard Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני, and Tzvi Katznelson cites: the crew was Italian.

Event Note

Zalman Perach served as Palyam Escort מלווה‎ פלי"ם‎, and Palyam Commander פלי"ם‎ מפקד, aboard Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני.

Event Note

Gershon Etzion served as Gidoni גדעוני, wireless radio operator, aboard Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני.

Event Note

Tzvi Katznelson and Gad Lasker served as Palyam Escorts מלווים פלי"ם aboard Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני.

Event Note

On January 7-9, 1946, Joseph Engel sailed on Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני from Vado Ligure to Palestine.

Place Note

On January 17, 1946, Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני arrived off the coast of Palestine.
HMS Talybont intercepted Enzo Sereni אנצו סרני, about 70 miles from the shore of Palestine,
Tzvi Ben-Tzur cites: "This was the first time that a vessel had been taken into custody outside the territorial waters; for this reason Ha’Mossad Le’Aliya Bet decided to bring the Mandatory government to trial – through the ‘front man’ who was the legal owner of the vessel."
The British forced her to sail to Haifa חיפה, where the passengers were offloaded, and interned at Atlit Detention Camp.



    1. כצנלסון Katzenelson Katznelson, Tzvi 'Miri'