מושב היוגב moshav haYogev, עמק יזרעאל, הצפון,
Latitude | 32°36′42″N |
Longitude | 35°12′17″E |
City | מושב היוגב moshav haYogev |
County | עמק יזרעאל |
State/ Province | הצפון |
HaYogev היוגב means The Farmer in Hebrew.
In 1949, moshav haYogev מושב היוגב was founded by members of the Bnei Akiva youth group from Austria, Germany, Romania and Israel, who were members of the abandoned kibbutz Beit Eshel בית אשל, whose first residents arrived on August 9, 1943.
The land was acquired, mostly from Negev נגב Bedouin, by the Jewish National Fund JNF קרן קימת לישראל, operating as the Tzukerman Office, a private real estate company secretly affiliated with the Jewish National Fund JNF קרן קימת לישראל.
The first contingent at kibbutz Beit Eshel בית אשל consisted of four people with a tractor and two tents. An additional 36 people joined them later.
Beginning with an attack on May 17, 1948 by the Muslim Brotherhood, kibbutz Beit Eshel בית אשל was besieged by Egyptian forces and destroyed.
In 1948, when Beersheva was captured by the IDF in Operation Moses מבצע משה, the Battle of Beersheva, the site was abandoned, and the inhabitants moved established moshav HaYogev מושב היוגב, in the Jezreel Valley עמק יזרעאל.