פתח תקווה Petach Tikvah, ישראל

Latitude 32°5′1″N
Longitude 34°53′30″E
City פתח תקווה Petach Tikvah
Country ישראל


In 1878 , Petach Tikvah פתח תקווה Opening of Hope, was founded by religious pioneers from Europe, who were led by Yehoshua Stampfer, Moshe Shmuel Raab, Yoel Moshe Salomon, Zerach Barnett and David Gutmann as well as Lithuanian Rabbi Aryeh Leib Frumkin and Zev Wolf Branda.
It is also called Em haMoshavot Mother of the Settlements, because Petach Tikvah פתח תקווה was the first modern Jewish agricultural settlement in Ottoman Palestine.


The pioneers originally intended to establish their settlement in the Achor Valley, near Jericho, but the Turkish Sultan cancelled the purchase, and forbade them from settling there.
They retained the name Petach Tikvah פתח תקווה as a symbol of their aspirations, and purchased 3.40 square kilometers of land from the village of Mulabbis, near the source of the Yarkon River.
The Sultan allowed the purchase.
The newly purchased land was located in a malarial swamp, therefore they had to evacuate when the malaria spread, and founded the town of Yehud near the Arabic village of Yehudiyya, 20 kilometres to the south.
Henritta Szold, in Recent Jewish Progess in Palestine, cites Petach Tikvah פתח תקווה being started in 1978, by Jews from Jerusalem, who purchased 692 acres of land
to the north of Jaffa, in an Arab village.
Their neighbors proved troublesome and dangerous, and they were forced to purchase the whole village, increasing their possessions to 2466 acres.
The land sale proceeded slowly, and proximity of the Audje River caused disease, particularly
A remnant of the group moved to Jehudieh, less than two miles distant.
They struggled until 1887, when Baron Edmond de Rothschild provided financial assistance, enabling them to drain the swamp.
In 1883, they were be able to move back, joined by immigrants of the First Aliyah, and later the Second Aliyah.
Petach Tikvah פתח תקווה orange grove output of thick skin Shamuti oranges, were exported to Liverpool, Trieste, Odessa, Hamburg, and Australia.



  1. Ellenberg-Derfler, Amalia Malcia Malka bat David
  2. Lemky Lemke, Simon ben Yehoshua Heshel (Hosias)
  3. הייבר Haber, Shraga
  4. קרול Kroll