Theresienstadt Terezín Konzentrationslager, Terezín, okres Litoměřice, Ústecký kraj, Česko

Latitude 50°30′49″N
Longitude 14°9′53″E
City Terezín
County okres Litoměřice
State/ Province Ústecký kraj
Country Česko


In September, 1942, at peak capacity, Theresienstadt Terezín Konzentrationslager held 60,000 prisoners, crammed into an area with streets barely over 700 yards long. Supplies of food and medicine were rarely sufficient for survival over long periods of time, particularly for the elderly and the frail.


On January 9, 1942, the Nazis began transporting Czech Jews from Theresienstadt Terezín Konzentrationslager, over ten months, 32 transports carried 42,005 people, most of them Protectorate Jews, from Theresienstadt Terezín Konzentrationslager to the east.

Source References

  1. Juden in Böhmen
    1. Page: 8
    2. Page: 82
    3. Page: 135
    4. Page: 171


  1. Dobkowsky, Else Elsa
  2. Engelberg, Anna
  3. , Fanny
  4. , Frieda
  5. Graumann, Helene 'Lenne'
  6. Herlinger, Ilse
  7. Jonas, Alfons Alphons Abraham ben Avraham (Abraham)
  8. Jonas, Georg
  9. Kallmann, Arthur
  10. Klahr Klar, Abraham
  11. Levy, Bertha
  12. Lustig, Hana
  13. Pinczovsky, Judith
  14. Weber, Wilhelm 'Willi'