Boys & Girls High School, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America

Latitude 40°40′44.4″N
Longitude 73°55′53.4″W
Street 1700 Fulton Street, Bedford-Stuyvesant
City Brooklyn
State/ Province New York
Country United States of America


Jeno Berkovitz attended the Boys & Girls High School of Brooklyn, where Lena Horne was a classmate, and Isaac Asimov was one year behind them.
Jeno Berkovitz cites: “But what happened to a lot of boys in those days happened to me too. My family needed me to help make ends meet, so I dropped out of school and went to work alongside my father in a factory making neckties.”


David Daniel 'Mickey' Marcus attended Boys' High School in Brooklyn, before being accepted at West Point, in 1920.


  1. Berkovitz Berkovits Berkowitz, Jeno Geno