Красноярск Krasnoyarsk, Красноярский край, Сибирь, Россия

Latitude 56°01′N
Longitude 93°04′E
City Красноярск Krasnoyarsk
County Красноярский край
State/ Province Сибирь
Country Россия



Krasnoyarsk Красноярск was a major center of the Gulag system, with the Kraslag or Krasnoyarsky ITL labor camps two units of which were located in Kansk Канск and Reshyoty.
In Krasnoyarsk Красноярск itself, the Yeniseylag or Yeniseysky ITL labor camp operated World War II.
During World War II, dozens of factories were evacuated from Ukraine Україна and Western Russia Россия to Krasnoyarsk Красноярск and nearby towns


  1. Tager, Mania
  2. גולדבנד Goldband , Avraham
  3. גלאון Goldband Galon, Menachem Mendel ben Avraham