أم جبل Um'Jabal
Um'Jabal أم جبل means the Mother of Mountains., in Arabic.
At the end of the 19th century and at the beginning the 20th century, the Bedouin tribe, Arab-A Tzabiach (Zbekh), settled on Har Tavor הר תבור Jabal Aṭ-ṭur, bordering the lands of Um'Jabal.
The Arab-A Tzabiach became the strongest tribe in the region, and they claimed ownership to some of Um'Jabal.
During the 1948 War of Independence, members from the Arab-A Tzabiach tribe participated in the army of the Arab Liberation Army of Fawzi al-Qawuqji, and killed seven members Beit Keshet.
In May, 1948, the Golani Brigade occupied Har Tavor.
The members of the tribe fled to Syria and Jordan, except for the clan of Shibli, who collaborated with Haganah forces, and stayed in Israel.
After the war the village of Arab Al-Shibli was established, which is now part of the village of Shibli-Umm al-Ghanam.