פרוסולה see Aeghios Nicolaos Prosola SS Frossoula Frosula

Alternate Locations
City Sulina
County judeţul Tulcea
State/ Province Dobrogea
Country România


Frossoula פרוסולה was a Greek ship sailing under a Panamanian flag of convenience
Names: Frossoula פרוסולה
Frossoula פרוסולה also sailed as Aghios Nicolaos אגיוס ניקולאוס
Built: 1903
Gross tonnage: 1282 tons
see also Aghios Nicolaos


On May 29, 1939, Frossoula פרוסולה sailed from Sulina, carrying 658 passengers, organized by Revisonists.
Hershel Edelheit and Abraham J. Edelheit cite Frossoula פרוסולה sailed from Varna Варна carrying 654 passengers.


On July 1, 1939, Frossola פרוסולה sailed through Turkey, carrying 658 German and Czech Maapilim.


On July 6, 1939, Frossoula פרוסולה was reported at Beirut بيروت‎, where she remained, without funds or provisions.
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: "On July 6th she was reported at Tripoli, Lebanon, with epidemic, then Beirut."
Hershel Edelheit and Abraham J. Edelheit cite: An epidemic broke out onboard Frossoula פרוסולה.
On August 29, 1939, the passengers were transfered to Tiger Hill טייגר היל.

Source References

  1. Britain’s Naval and Political Reaction to the Illegal Immigration of Jews to Palestine, 1945-1948
  2. History of the Holocaust: A Handbook and Dictionary
    1. Page: 182


  1. Reiser, Peter Hans Jacob
  2. Reiser, Stefan David