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TzaHaL עיטור המופת Medal of Distinguished Service


In 1970, the Knesset הכנסת instituted the Medal of Distinguished Service DSO ‎עיטור המופת , to be awarded by the Chief of Staff רמטכ"ל for acts of exemplary bravery in the line of duty.
The medal, designed by Dan Reisinger, and minted by the Israel Government Coins and Medals Corporation החברה הממשלתית למדליות ולמטבעות, is circular, and displaysa sword with an olive branch on its front, symbolizing controlled strength; it is made from 25 gram silver/935 , with a chrome plated metal clasp is.and is attached to a blue ribbon.


  1. אלבז Elbaz, Nathan
  2. שריג Sarig, Yosef ben Nahum