Faerman, Oscar

Birth Name Faerman, Oscar
Birth Name פאירמן
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth   Bacău, Judeţul Bacău, România  

Emigration   Bacău, Judeţul Bacău, România Oscar Faerman emigrated to Canada

Occupation   Comfort Kimona and Dress Mfg. Co., Montreal, Quebec, Canada  

Marriage June 10, 1924 Congregation Chevra Kadisha B'Nnai Jacob Beit Hazikaron, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Oscar Faerman married Rachel Grobstein on 8 Sivan, 5684 ח׳ בְּסִיוָן תרפ״ד

Event Note

Rev. Cutler and Rev. Berger officiated the wedding of Oscar Faerman and Rachel Grobstein, at Bnai Jacob.Synagogue.
The bride was given away by her father, Solomon Grobstein.
Mrs. J. G. Weinrauch was matron of honour.
The bridesmaids were:
* Stella Faerman
* Esther Goldman
* Sarah Matthews
* Bessie Steinberg
The best man was Nick Grobstein.
The ushers were:
* Dave Grobstein
* Lewis Ram
* Ben Faerman
* Dave Steinberg
Lillian Grobstein and Frances Zelicovic were flower girls.

Event Note

Oscar and Rae Faerman honeymooned travelling in the United States.

[1] [2a]
Marriage June 19, 1946 Shaar haShamayim Synagogue, Westmount, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Edward Spiegel married Pola Faerman on 20 Sivan, 5706 כ׳ בְּסִיוָן תש״ו

Event Note

Rabbi E. F. Mandelcorn officiated the marriage of Edward Spiegel and Pola Janet Faerman, assisted by Rabbi Charles Bender and RabM A. Soltes.
The bride was given in marriage by her father, Oscar Faerman.
The bride wore a gown of white net and satin, encrusted with seed pearl beads. Her veil was held by a coronet of matching net and pearlt, and she carried a bouquet of white spray orchids and stephanotis.
Maid of honor: Miss Elaine Tencer
Bridesmaids: Miss Ray Morris, of New York, and Miss Evelyn Spiegel, sister of the groom; they wore identical floor-length gowns of pink and blue faille, and tiaras of carnations, and carried nosegays of roses, cornflowers, and daisies.
Best man: William Sofln
Ushers: Arnold Tepner and Harry Grobstein, uncle of the bride.
The reception took place at the Windsor Hota.
Mr. and Mrs. Spiegel left on their wedding trip to Lake Louise, the bride travelling in a beige gabardine suit.

Honorary 1953 Montreal Young Men’s - Young Women’s Hebrew Association (YM-YWHA) Oscar Faerman served as President, and later, Campaign Chairman

Event Note

In 1972, Oscar Faerman was a Honorary Board Member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish General Hospital.

Event Note

Oscar Faerman chaired the Furnishings and Equipment Committee of the Snowdon Y.
The Y Beacon , May 10, 1950, 23 Iyar, 5710 cites: "Credit for planning and procuring the necessary equipment, while due in large measure to Association Treasurer, Oscar Faerman, was the result of the combined efforts of the splendid committee he had functioning under him. Outstanding work was performed by David Hopmeyer, whose experience in the furniture field was invaluable. David G. Jassby, who has wide knowlwdge of restaurant equipment, helped along these lines.

Death   Westmount, Montreal, Quebec, Canada  

Burial   Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Oscar Faerman was buried in the Shaar haShamayim Cemetery



Father Faerman, Morris Maurice
Mother Grinberg, Dora Devorah bat Moshe (Moishe)


Married Wife Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, Rachel bat Shlomo (Solomon)
  1. Faerman, Pola Janet bat Osias
  2. Faerman, Donald Stephen ben Osias (Oscar)


Source References

  1. Quebec Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967
  2. Canadian Jewish Review
      • Date: July 18, 1924
  3. The gate of Heaven: the story of Congregation Shaar Hashomayim of Montreal
      • Page: Page 202


  1. Faerman, Morris Maurice
    1. Grinberg, Dora Devorah bat Moshe (Moishe)
      1. Faerman, Oscar
        1. Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, Rachel bat Shlomo (Solomon)
          1. Faerman, Pola Janet bat Osias
          2. Faerman, Donald Stephen ben Osias (Oscar)
