Гробштейн Grobshtein, Assaf

Birth Name Гробштейн Grobshtein, Assaf
Birth Name גרובשטיין, אסף

    Assaf אסף means Collector or Gatherer, in Hebrew, and Pure or Genuine, in Farsee or Arabic.
    Asaph אסף was a Choirmaster of King David's time., and a counselor of King David and King Solomon, to whom authorship of twelve of the Psalms is attributed (1 Chronicles 16:4–5; Psalms 50, 73–83).
    Asaph אסף was the son of Berachiah the Gershonite.
    Asaph אסף was a Levite, a descendant of Kohath.
    Asaph אסף was the father of Joah.
    Asaf אסף was Suleiman’s grand wazir, and the name has come to be used proverbially as a name for any wise counselor.
    * Asaf
    * Asaph

Call Name אסף
Gender male


Father Unknown, Djivanshar
Mother גרובשטיין Гробштейн Grobshtein Grabstein, Violet Abramova bat Avram
  1. Гробштейн Grobshtein, Inara


  1. Unknown, Djivanshar
    1. גרובשטיין Гробштейн Grobshtein Grabstein, Violet Abramova bat Avram
      1. Гробштейн Grobshtein, Inara
      2. Гробштейн Grobshtein, Assaf
