Birnbaum, Naysa bat Yosef (Joseph)

Birth Name Birnbaum, Naysa bat Yosef (Joseph)
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth   Montreal, Quebec, Canada  

Sweet Sixteen December 24, 1948 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Leonie and Esther, twin daughters of Isidore and Sadie Birnbaum, celebrated their sixteenth birthday with a luncheon

Event Note

On December 24, 1948, Canadian Jewish Review cites Leonie and Esther Birnbaum's sixteenth birthday was celebrated with luncheon for twenty-five girls.
Leonie and Esther wore maroon dresses, trimmed with silver bands, and silver shoes to match, and corsages of yellow Tea poea and lilies of the valley.
* Mrs. Ben Soltan, sister of Saydie Birnbaum
* Una Kerman, cousin
* Naysa Birnbaum, cousin
* Mrs. J. Cutler, grandmother of the twins

Marriage     Harry Berall married Naysa Birnbaum



Father Birnbaum, Joseph Joe 'Joey' ben Shraga Feivish
Mother Sirota, Rose 'Raizel' bat David haCohen
  1. Birnbaum, Philip ben Yosef (Joseph)


Source References

  1. Canadian Jewish Review
    1. Date: December 24, 1948


  1. Birnbaum, Joseph Joe 'Joey' ben Shraga Feivish
    1. Sirota, Rose 'Raizel' bat David haCohen
      1. Birnbaum, Naysa bat Yosef (Joseph)
      2. Birnbaum, Philip ben Yosef (Joseph)
