Grobshtein, S. S.

Birth Name Grobshtein, S. S. [1a] [2a] [3] [4a] [5a]
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1901    



Mia Kozlov wrote article in Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1971 Nov-Dec;33 (6):111 about S.S. Grobshtein on his 70th birthday.

Source References

  1. Use of a hemostatic sponge and a hemostatic tampon with antibiotics in otolaryngologic surgery
      • Page: Vol. 18, Issue 5, Pages 26-8
  2. Lechenie detei, stradaiushchikh kokhlearnym nevritom, nivalinom i prozerinom.
      • Date: November-December, 1968
      • Page: Vol. 28 Issue 6 Pg. 29-35
  3. Treatment of children suffering cochlear neuritis with nivaline and proserine
  4. Development of the palatal tonsils in man
      • Date: August, 1974
      • Page: 67(8): Pg. 39-43
  5. Early diagnosis and prevention of hearing disorders in children
      • Date: September-October, 1975
      • Page: (5): Pg. 74-8


    1. Grobshtein, S. S.