Wagner Waga, Abraham

Birth Name Wagner Waga, Abraham
Birth Name אברהם
Call Name אברהם
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources

Marriage     Abraham Waga married Bertha Koing

Death July 1, 1943   Abraham Wagner, age 63 years, died suddenly

Burial July 2, 1943   Abraham Wagner was buried at the Canadian Hebrew Sick Cemetery, in Cartierville

Event Note

The Funeral of Abraham Wagner was held at Paperman and Sons, on Friday, July 2, 1943, Rabbi S. Herschorn officiated.



Married Wife Koing, Bertha
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage     Abraham Waga married Bertha Koing

  1. Wagner, Minnie Mildred bat Avraham
  2. Wagner, Max
  3. Wagner, Kate
  4. Wagner, Charles


    1. Wagner Waga, Abraham
      1. Koing, Bertha
        1. Wagner, Minnie Mildred bat Avraham
        2. Wagner, Max
        3. Wagner, Kate
        4. Wagner, Charles