Kamp Mechelen Kazerne Dossin, Mechelen, Antwerpen, Vlaams Gewest, Belge
Latitude | 51°02′02″N |
Longitude | 04°28′42″E |
City | Mechelen Maline |
State/ Province | Vlaams Gewest |
County | Antwerpen |
Country | Belge |
Kamp Mechelen
SS-Sammellager Mecheln
Kazerne Dossin
Between August 4, 1942, and July 31, 1944, 28 trains left from this Belgian Kazerne Dossin SS-Sammellager Mecheln, transporting over 25,000 Jews and Romas, mostly to the extermination camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Joods Museum van Deportatie en Verzet
Journée du Martyr juif - Dag van de Joodse Martelaar
Web Links
Type | Url | Description |
Web Home | http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamp_Mechelen | Kamp Mechelen, from Wikipedia (Nederlands) |