Бучач Buchach, Бучацький район, Тернопільська область, Україна
Latitude 49°05′00″N
Longitude 25°24′00″E
City Бучач Buchach
State/ Province Тернопільська область
County Бучацький район
Country Україна


Buchach Бучач Buczacz בוטשאטש Butschatsch Bucaş


Jews were among the early settlers in Buchach Бучач, inhabiting a predominantly Ukrainian rural milieu.
Polish kings and princes welcomed the Jews to colonization of their eastern realms, and encouraged them to settle and offered them protection.
In Buchach Бучач, Jews were predominant in certain artisan occupations, such as tailors, furriers, tin-smiths, book publishers, and waggoneers, as well as carpenters and cabinet makers.
From the late 19th century, local Jews began to enter the free professions.
By 1910, there were 14 Jewish lawyers and four medical doctors belonging to the Association of Zionist Professionals, representing about half the total number of Jewish professionals in Buchach Бучач.


Place Map


  1. Deutch, Zelda