Сирота Sirota, Leo

Birth Name Сирота Sirota, Leo
Birth Name Сирота, Лео
Call Name Лео
Gender male
Age at Death 79 years, 9 months, 21 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth May 4, 1885 Кам’янець-Подільський (Kamianets-Podilskyi), Кам'янець-Подільський район, Хмельницька область, Україна  

Education 1904   Leo Sirota studied Piano with Ferruccio Busoni

Event Note

Leo Sirota worked as rehearsal pianist with the conductor Jascha Horenstein.

Event Note

In 1929, Leo Sirota settled in Japan for 15 years, teaching and giving recitals.
He was a piano teacher of Minoru Matsuya.

Camp   (軽井沢町 Karuizawa, 北佐久郡, 長野県, 日本 Leo Sirota and his wife survived the war under detention

Death February 25, 1965    



Unknown Partner
  1. Сирота Sirota, Beate


    1. Сирота Sirota, Leo
        1. Сирота Sirota, Beate