Vištytis, Vištyčio seniūnija, Vilkaviškio rajono savivaldybė, Lietuva

Latitude 54°27′30″N
Longitude 22°43′10″E
City Vištytis
County Vištyčio seniūnija
State/ Province Vilkaviškio rajono savivaldybė
Country Lietuva



In the 1850s, Vištytis's Jews began emigration to Germany, the United States, and South Africa.


All of Vištytis' Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, mainly by local collaborators in the town.
Estimates range from 200 - 400 Jews, from Vištytis' total population of around 1000.
The men were shot, then the women, and to save bullets, the children were killed by bashing their heads against the trees in the town park.
A memorial to the victims was later erected by the Soviets near a windmill called Grist Mill, but the plaque made no mention that those buried in the nearby fields were Jews.
A Jewish tombstone was subsequently erected that clearly noted what happened.


  1. Kaminsky, Louis Leib ben Baruch
  2. Lande, Rose